function asyncEvaluateNodeProperty (RED, value, type, node, msg) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(value, type, node, msg, function (e, r) { if (e) { reject(e) } else { resolve(r) } }) }) } async function appendTopic (RED, config, wNode, msg) { // populate topic if the node specifies one if (config.topic || config.topicType) { try { msg.topic = await asyncEvaluateNodeProperty(RED, config.topic, config.topicType || 'str', wNode, msg) || '' } catch (_err) { // do nothing console.error(_err) } } // ensure we have a topic property in the msg, even if it's an empty string if (!('topic' in msg)) { msg.topic = '' } return msg } /** * Adds socket/client data to a msg payload, if enabled * */ function addConnectionCredentials (RED, msg, conn, config) { if (config.includeClientData) { if (!msg._client) { msg._client = {} } RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2').forEach(plugin => { if (plugin.hooks?.onAddConnectionCredentials && msg) { msg = plugin.hooks.onAddConnectionCredentials(conn, msg) } }) msg._client = { ...msg._client, ...{ socketId:, socketIp: conn.handshake?.address } } } return msg } module.exports = { asyncEvaluateNodeProperty, appendTopic, addConnectionCredentials }