const datastore = require('../store/data.js') module.exports = function (RED) { function ChartNode (config) { const node = this // create node in Node-RED RED.nodes.createNode(this, config) // which group are we rendering this widget const group = RED.nodes.getNode( const base = group.getBase() node.clearHistory = function () { const empty = [], node, empty) // emit socket to front end to mimic an incoming message base.emit('msg-input:' +, { payload: empty }, node) } function getProperty (value, property) { const props = property.split('.') props.forEach((prop) => { if (value) { value = value[prop] } }) return value } const evts = { // beforeSend will run before messages are sent client-side, as well as before sending on within Node-RED // here, we use it to pre-process chart data to format it ready for plotting beforeSend: function (msg) { const p = msg.payload let series = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.category, config.categoryType, node, msg) // if receiving a object payload, the series could be a within the payload if (config.categoryType === 'property') { series = getProperty(p, config.category) } // single point or array of data? if (Array.isArray(p)) { // array of data msg._datapoint = => { // series available on a msg by msg basis - ensure we check for each msg if (config.categoryType === 'property') { series = getProperty(point, config.category) } return addToChart(point, series) }) } else { // single point if (config.categoryType === 'json') { // we can produce multiple datapoints from a single object/value here const points = [] series.forEach((s) => { if (s in p) { const datapoint = addToChart(p, s) points.push(datapoint) } }) msg._datapoint = points } else { msg._datapoint = addToChart(p, series) } } // function to process a data point being appended to a line/scatter chart function addToChart (payload, series) { const datapoint = {} // we group/categorize data by "series" datapoint.category = series // get our x value, if set if (config.xAxisPropertyType === 'msg' && config.xAxisProperty === '') { // handle a missing declaration of x-axis property, and backup to time series config.xAxisPropertyType = 'property' } const x = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.xAxisProperty, config.xAxisPropertyType, node, msg) // construct our datapoint if (typeof payload === 'number') { // do we have an x-property defined - if not, we're assuming time series datapoint.x = config.xAxisProperty !== '' ? x : (new Date()).getTime() datapoint.y = payload } else if (typeof payload === 'object') { // may have been given an x/y object already let x = getProperty(payload, config.xAxisProperty) let y = payload.y if (x === undefined || x === null) { x = (new Date()).getTime() } if (Array.isArray(series)) { if (series.length > 1) { y = => { return getProperty(payload, s) }) } else { y = getProperty(payload, series[0]) } } datapoint.x = x datapoint.y = y } return datapoint } return msg }, onInput: function (msg, send, done) { // use our own custom onInput in order to store history of msg payloads if (!datastore.get( {, node, []) } if (Array.isArray(msg.payload) && !msg.payload.length) { // clear history, node, []) } else { if (config.action === 'replace') { // clear our data store as we are replacing data, node, []) } if (!Array.isArray(msg.payload)) { // quick clone of msg, and store in history datastore.append(base, node, { ...msg }) } else { // we have an array in msg.payload, let's split them msg.payload.forEach((p, i) => { const payload = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(p)) const d = msg._datapoint ? msg._datapoint[i] : null const m = { ...msg, payload, _datapoint: d } datastore.append(base, node, m) }) } const maxPoints = parseInt(config.removeOlderPoints) if (maxPoints && config.removeOlderPoints) { // account for multiple lines? // client-side does this for _each_ line // remove older points const lineCounts = {} const _msg = datastore.get( // trawl through in reverse order, and only keep the latest points (up to maxPoints) for each label for (let i = _msg.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const msg = _msg[i] const label = msg.topic lineCounts[label] = lineCounts[label] || 0 if (lineCounts[label] >= maxPoints) { _msg.splice(i, 1) } else { lineCounts[label]++ } }, node, _msg) } if (config.xAxisType === 'time' && config.removeOlder && config.removeOlderUnit) { // remove any points older than the specified time const removeOlder = parseFloat(config.removeOlder) const removeOlderUnit = parseFloat(config.removeOlderUnit) const ago = (removeOlder * removeOlderUnit) * 1000 // milliseconds ago const cutoff = (new Date()).getTime() - ago const _msg = datastore.get( => { let timestamp = msg._datapoint.x // is x already a millisecond timestamp? if (typeof (msg._datapoint.x) === 'string') { timestamp = (new Date(msg._datapoint.x)).getTime() } return timestamp > cutoff }), node, _msg) } // check sizing limits } send(msg) } } // inform the dashboard UI that we are adding this node group.register(node, config, evts) } RED.nodes.registerType('ui-chart', ChartNode) // Add HTTP Admin endpoint to permit reset of chart history'/dashboard/chart/:id/clear', RED.auth.needsPermission('ui-chart.write'), function (req, res) { const node = RED.nodes.getNode( if (node) { if (node.type === 'ui-chart') { node.clearHistory() res.sendStatus(200) } else { res.sendStatus(400, 'Requested node is not of type "ui-chart"') } } else { res.sendStatus(404) } }) }