const statestore = require('../store/state.js') module.exports = function (RED) { function SliderNode (config) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, config) const node = this // which group are we rendering this widget const group = RED.nodes.getNode( = config.passthru this.state = [' ', ' '] const thumbLabel = config.thumbLabel if (thumbLabel === 'false') { config.thumbLabel = false } else if (thumbLabel === 'true') { config.thumbLabel = true } const showTicks = config.showTicks if (showTicks === 'false') { config.showTicks = false } else if (showTicks === 'true') { config.showTicks = true } node.status({}) const evts = { onChange: true, beforeSend: function (msg) { // backward compatibility for older selection type if (typeof msg.payload !== 'undefined') { if (! { node.state[0] = msg.payload node.status({ shape: 'dot', fill: 'grey', text: node.state[0] + ' | ' + node.state[1] }) } else if (node._wireCount === 0) { node.status({ shape: 'dot', fill: 'grey', text: msg.payload }) } } /** * Dynamic Properties * */ const updates = msg.ui_update if (updates) { if (typeof (updates.label) !== 'undefined') { // dynamically set "label" property statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'label', updates.label) } if (typeof (updates.thumbLabel) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'thumbLabel', updates.thumbLabel) } if (typeof (updates.showTicks) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'showTicks', updates.showTicks) } if (typeof (updates.min) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'min', updates.min) } if (typeof (updates.step) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'step', updates.step) } if (typeof (updates.max) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'max', updates.max) } if (typeof (updates.iconPrepend) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'iconPrepend', updates.iconPrepend) } if (typeof (updates.iconAppend) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'iconAppend', updates.iconAppend) } if (typeof (updates.color) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'color', updates.color) } if (typeof (updates.colorTrack) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'colorTrack', updates.colorTrack) } if (typeof (updates.colorThumb) !== 'undefined') { statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'colorThumb', updates.colorThumb) } } return msg } } // inform the dashboard UI that we are adding this node group.register(node, config, evts) } RED.nodes.registerType('ui-slider', SliderNode) }