module.exports = function(RED) { var ui = require('../ui')(RED); function validateSwitchValue(node,property,type,payload) { if (payloadType === 'flow' || payloadType === 'global') { try { var parts = RED.util.normalisePropertyExpression(payload); if (parts.length === '') { throw new Error(); } } catch(err) { node.warn("Invalid payload property expression - defaulting to node id") payload =; payloadType = 'str'; } } else { payload = payload ||; } } function SwitchNode(config) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, config); = config.passthru; this.state = ["off"," "]; this.decouple = (config.decouple === "true") ? false : true; var node = this; node.status({}); var group = RED.nodes.getNode(; if (!group) { return; } var tab = RED.nodes.getNode(; if (!tab) { return; } var parts; var onvalue = config.onvalue; var onvalueType = config.onvalueType; if (onvalueType === 'flow' || onvalueType === 'global') { try { parts = RED.util.normalisePropertyExpression(onvalue); if (parts.length === 0) { throw new Error(); } } catch(err) { node.warn("Invalid onvalue property expression - defaulting to true") onvalue = true; onvalueType = 'bool'; } } var offvalue = config.offvalue; var offvalueType = config.offvalueType; if (offvalueType === 'flow' || offvalueType === 'global') { try { parts = RED.util.normalisePropertyExpression(offvalue); if (parts.length === 0) { throw new Error(); } } catch(err) { node.warn("Invalid offvalue property expression - defaulting to false") offvalue = false; offvalueType = 'bool'; } } node.on("input", function(msg) { node.topi = msg.topic; }); var done = ui.add({ node: node, tab: tab, group: group, emitOnlyNewValues: false, forwardInputMessages: config.passthru, storeFrontEndInputAsState: (config.decouple === "true") ? false : true, //config.passthru, state: false, control: { type: 'switch' + ( ? '-' + : ''), label: config.label, tooltip: config.tooltip, order: config.order, value: false, onicon: config.onicon, officon: config.officon, oncolor: config.oncolor, offcolor: config.offcolor, animate: config.animate?"flip-icon":"", width: config.width || group.config.width || 6, height: config.height || 1, className: config.className || '', }, convert: function (payload, oldval, msg) { var myOnValue,myOffValue; if (onvalueType === "date") { myOnValue =; } else { myOnValue = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(onvalue,onvalueType,node); } if (offvalueType === "date") { myOffValue =; } else { myOffValue = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(offvalue,offvalueType,node); } if (!this.forwardInputMessages && this.storeFrontEndInputAsState) { if (myOnValue === oldval) { return true; } if (oldval === true) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (RED.util.compareObjects(myOnValue,msg.payload)) { node.state[0] = "on"; return true; } else if (RED.util.compareObjects(myOffValue,msg.payload)) { node.state[0] = "off"; return false; } else { return oldval; } }, convertBack: function (value) { node.state[1] = value?"on":"off"; if ( { node.status({fill:(value?"green":"red"),shape:(value?"dot":"ring"),text:value?"on":"off"}); } else { var col = (node.decouple) ? ((node.state[1]=="on")?"green":"red") : ((node.state[0]=="on")?"green":"red"); var shp = (node.decouple) ? ((node.state[1]=="on")?"dot":"ring") : ((node.state[0]=="on")?"dot":"ring"); var txt = (node.decouple) ? (node.state[0] +" | "+node.state[1].toUpperCase()) : (node.state[0].toUpperCase() +" | "+node.state[1]) node.status({fill:col, shape:shp, text:txt}); } var payload = value ? onvalue : offvalue; var payloadType = value ? onvalueType : offvalueType; if (payloadType === "date") { value =; } else { try { value = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(payload,payloadType,node); } catch(e) { if (payloadType === "bin") { node.error("Badly formatted buffer"); } else { node.error(e,payload); } } } return value; }, beforeSend: function (msg) { var t = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.topic,config.topicType || "str",node,msg) || node.topi; if (t) { msg.topic = t; } } }); if (! { node.on("input", function() { var col = (node.state[0]=="on") ? "green" : "red"; var shp = (node.state[0]=="on") ? "dot" : "ring"; var txt = (node.decouple) ? (node.state[0] +" | "+node.state[1].toUpperCase()) : (node.state[0].toUpperCase() +" | "+node.state[1]) node.status({fill:col, shape:shp, text:txt}); }); } node.on("close", done); } RED.nodes.registerType("ui_switch", SwitchNode); };