module.exports = function (RED) { /** * * @param {*} config */ function UIGroupNode (config) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, config) const node = this const page = RED.nodes.getNode( if (!('showTitle' in config)) { // migration backwards compatibility // we now use showTitle, not disp, but older flows still may have disp config.showTitle = config.disp || true } // register self page.getBase().register(null, config) node.on('close', function (removed, done) { node.deregister() // deregister self done() }) /** * Function for widgets to register themselves with this page * Calls the parent UI Base "register" function and registers this page, * along with the widget * @param {*} widget */ node.register = function (widgetNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents) { const group = config page.register(group, widgetNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents) } node.deregister = function (widgetNode) { const group = config page.deregister(group, widgetNode) } // Return the UI Base Node this group lives in node.getBase = function () { return RED.nodes.getNode( } } RED.nodes.registerType('ui-group', UIGroupNode) }