import { MILLISECONDS_A_DAY, MILLISECONDS_A_HOUR, MILLISECONDS_A_MINUTE, MILLISECONDS_A_SECOND, MILLISECONDS_A_WEEK, REGEX_FORMAT } from '../../constant'; var MILLISECONDS_A_YEAR = MILLISECONDS_A_DAY * 365; var MILLISECONDS_A_MONTH = MILLISECONDS_A_DAY * 30; var durationRegex = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/; var unitToMS = { years: MILLISECONDS_A_YEAR, months: MILLISECONDS_A_MONTH, days: MILLISECONDS_A_DAY, hours: MILLISECONDS_A_HOUR, minutes: MILLISECONDS_A_MINUTE, seconds: MILLISECONDS_A_SECOND, milliseconds: 1, weeks: MILLISECONDS_A_WEEK }; var isDuration = function isDuration(d) { return d instanceof Duration; }; // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define var $d; var $u; var wrapper = function wrapper(input, instance, unit) { return new Duration(input, unit, instance.$l); }; // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define var prettyUnit = function prettyUnit(unit) { return $u.p(unit) + "s"; }; var isNegative = function isNegative(number) { return number < 0; }; var roundNumber = function roundNumber(number) { return isNegative(number) ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number); }; var absolute = function absolute(number) { return Math.abs(number); }; var getNumberUnitFormat = function getNumberUnitFormat(number, unit) { if (!number) { return { negative: false, format: '' }; } if (isNegative(number)) { return { negative: true, format: "" + absolute(number) + unit }; } return { negative: false, format: "" + number + unit }; }; var Duration = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Duration(input, unit, locale) { var _this = this; this.$d = {}; this.$l = locale; if (input === undefined) { this.$ms = 0; this.parseFromMilliseconds(); } if (unit) { return wrapper(input * unitToMS[prettyUnit(unit)], this); } if (typeof input === 'number') { this.$ms = input; this.parseFromMilliseconds(); return this; } if (typeof input === 'object') { Object.keys(input).forEach(function (k) { _this.$d[prettyUnit(k)] = input[k]; }); this.calMilliseconds(); return this; } if (typeof input === 'string') { var d = input.match(durationRegex); if (d) { var properties = d.slice(2); var numberD = (value) { return value != null ? Number(value) : 0; }); this.$d.years = numberD[0]; this.$d.months = numberD[1]; this.$d.weeks = numberD[2]; this.$d.days = numberD[3]; this.$d.hours = numberD[4]; this.$d.minutes = numberD[5]; this.$d.seconds = numberD[6]; this.calMilliseconds(); return this; } } return this; } var _proto = Duration.prototype; _proto.calMilliseconds = function calMilliseconds() { var _this2 = this; this.$ms = Object.keys(this.$d).reduce(function (total, unit) { return total + (_this2.$d[unit] || 0) * unitToMS[unit]; }, 0); }; _proto.parseFromMilliseconds = function parseFromMilliseconds() { var $ms = this.$ms; this.$d.years = roundNumber($ms / MILLISECONDS_A_YEAR); $ms %= MILLISECONDS_A_YEAR; this.$d.months = roundNumber($ms / MILLISECONDS_A_MONTH); $ms %= MILLISECONDS_A_MONTH; this.$d.days = roundNumber($ms / MILLISECONDS_A_DAY); $ms %= MILLISECONDS_A_DAY; this.$d.hours = roundNumber($ms / MILLISECONDS_A_HOUR); $ms %= MILLISECONDS_A_HOUR; this.$d.minutes = roundNumber($ms / MILLISECONDS_A_MINUTE); $ms %= MILLISECONDS_A_MINUTE; this.$d.seconds = roundNumber($ms / MILLISECONDS_A_SECOND); $ms %= MILLISECONDS_A_SECOND; this.$d.milliseconds = $ms; }; _proto.toISOString = function toISOString() { var Y = getNumberUnitFormat(this.$d.years, 'Y'); var M = getNumberUnitFormat(this.$d.months, 'M'); var days = +this.$d.days || 0; if (this.$d.weeks) { days += this.$d.weeks * 7; } var D = getNumberUnitFormat(days, 'D'); var H = getNumberUnitFormat(this.$d.hours, 'H'); var m = getNumberUnitFormat(this.$d.minutes, 'M'); var seconds = this.$d.seconds || 0; if (this.$d.milliseconds) { seconds += this.$d.milliseconds / 1000; } var S = getNumberUnitFormat(seconds, 'S'); var negativeMode = Y.negative || M.negative || D.negative || H.negative || m.negative || S.negative; var T = H.format || m.format || S.format ? 'T' : ''; var P = negativeMode ? '-' : ''; var result = P + "P" + Y.format + M.format + D.format + T + H.format + m.format + S.format; return result === 'P' || result === '-P' ? 'P0D' : result; }; _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() { return this.toISOString(); }; _proto.format = function format(formatStr) { var str = formatStr || 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'; var matches = { Y: this.$d.years, YY: $u.s(this.$d.years, 2, '0'), YYYY: $u.s(this.$d.years, 4, '0'), M: this.$d.months, MM: $u.s(this.$d.months, 2, '0'), D: this.$d.days, DD: $u.s(this.$d.days, 2, '0'), H: this.$d.hours, HH: $u.s(this.$d.hours, 2, '0'), m: this.$d.minutes, mm: $u.s(this.$d.minutes, 2, '0'), s: this.$d.seconds, ss: $u.s(this.$d.seconds, 2, '0'), SSS: $u.s(this.$d.milliseconds, 3, '0') }; return str.replace(REGEX_FORMAT, function (match, $1) { return $1 || String(matches[match]); }); }; = function as(unit) { return this.$ms / unitToMS[prettyUnit(unit)]; }; _proto.get = function get(unit) { var base = this.$ms; var pUnit = prettyUnit(unit); if (pUnit === 'milliseconds') { base %= 1000; } else if (pUnit === 'weeks') { base = roundNumber(base / unitToMS[pUnit]); } else { base = this.$d[pUnit]; } return base === 0 ? 0 : base; // a === 0 will be true on both 0 and -0 }; _proto.add = function add(input, unit, isSubtract) { var another; if (unit) { another = input * unitToMS[prettyUnit(unit)]; } else if (isDuration(input)) { another = input.$ms; } else { another = wrapper(input, this).$ms; } return wrapper(this.$ms + another * (isSubtract ? -1 : 1), this); }; _proto.subtract = function subtract(input, unit) { return this.add(input, unit, true); }; _proto.locale = function locale(l) { var that = this.clone(); that.$l = l; return that; }; _proto.clone = function clone() { return wrapper(this.$ms, this); }; _proto.humanize = function humanize(withSuffix) { return $d().add(this.$ms, 'ms').locale(this.$l).fromNow(!withSuffix); }; _proto.milliseconds = function milliseconds() { return this.get('milliseconds'); }; _proto.asMilliseconds = function asMilliseconds() { return'milliseconds'); }; _proto.seconds = function seconds() { return this.get('seconds'); }; _proto.asSeconds = function asSeconds() { return'seconds'); }; _proto.minutes = function minutes() { return this.get('minutes'); }; _proto.asMinutes = function asMinutes() { return'minutes'); }; _proto.hours = function hours() { return this.get('hours'); }; _proto.asHours = function asHours() { return'hours'); }; _proto.days = function days() { return this.get('days'); }; _proto.asDays = function asDays() { return'days'); }; _proto.weeks = function weeks() { return this.get('weeks'); }; _proto.asWeeks = function asWeeks() { return'weeks'); }; _proto.months = function months() { return this.get('months'); }; _proto.asMonths = function asMonths() { return'months'); }; _proto.years = function years() { return this.get('years'); }; _proto.asYears = function asYears() { return'years'); }; return Duration; }(); export default (function (option, Dayjs, dayjs) { $d = dayjs; $u = dayjs().$utils(); dayjs.duration = function (input, unit) { var $l = dayjs.locale(); return wrapper(input, { $l: $l }, unit); }; dayjs.isDuration = isDuration; var oldAdd = Dayjs.prototype.add; var oldSubtract = Dayjs.prototype.subtract; Dayjs.prototype.add = function (value, unit) { if (isDuration(value)) value = value.asMilliseconds(); return oldAdd.bind(this)(value, unit); }; Dayjs.prototype.subtract = function (value, unit) { if (isDuration(value)) value = value.asMilliseconds(); return oldSubtract.bind(this)(value, unit); }; });