const CronJob = require('cron').CronJob const dayjs = require('dayjs') const SunCalc = require('suncalc') module.exports = function (RED) { function SuncronNode(config) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, config) const node = this let schedule const eventTypes = [ 'sunrise', 'sunriseEnd', 'goldenHourEnd', 'solarNoon', 'goldenHour', 'sunsetStart', 'sunset', 'dusk', 'nauticalDusk', 'night', 'nadir', 'nightEnd', 'nauticalDawn', 'dawn', ] let msgCrons = [] let dailyCron = [] const letsGo = function () { schedule = calcScheduleForToday() if (config.replay === true) { try { const mostRecentEvent = findMostRecentEvent(schedule) setTimeout(() => { ejectMsg(mostRecentEvent, schedule) }, 500) } catch (e) { debug(e) } } installMsgCronjobs(schedule) setTimeout(() => { ejectSchedule(schedule) }, 500) debug(schedule) dailyCron = installDailyCronjob() } const calcScheduleForToday = function () { const today = new Date() const midday = new Date( today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(), 12, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) const sunTimes = SunCalc.getTimes(midday,, config.lon) return eventTypes.reduce((result, eventType) => { const payload = config[`${eventType}Payload`] if (payload !== '') { const payloadType = config[`${eventType}PayloadType`] const topic = config[`${eventType}Topic`] const sunEventTime = dayjs(sunTimes[eventType]) const offsetSec = config[`${eventType}Offset`] const offsetType = config[`${eventType}OffsetType`] const offset = offsetSec * offsetType let cronTime if (offset > 0) { cronTime = dayjs(sunEventTime).add(offsetSec, 'second') } else { cronTime = dayjs(sunEventTime).subtract(offsetSec, 'second') } try { result[eventType] = { event: eventType, sunEventTimeUTC: sunEventTime.toISOString(), sunEventTimeLocal: sunEventTime.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'), offset: offsetSec * offsetType, cronTime, cronTimeUTC: cronTime.toISOString(), cronTimeLocal: cronTime.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'), payload, payloadType, topic, } } catch (e) { console.log( `ignoring event type '${eventType}' as no event time could be determined for current day.` ) } } return result }, {}) } const formatSchedule = function (schedule) { let result = {} for (let eventType in schedule) { let event = schedule[eventType] result[eventType] = { event: eventType, sunEventTime: event.sunEventTimeLocal, cronTime: event.cronTimeLocal, offset: event.offset, } } return result } function findNextEvent(schedule) { let futureEvents = Object.keys(schedule) .map((eventType) => ({ eventName: eventType, eventTime: schedule[eventType].cronTime, })) .sort((e1, e2) => e1.eventTime.unix() - e2.eventTime.unix()) .filter((event) => event.eventTime.isAfter(dayjs())) if (futureEvents.length > 0) { return futureEvents.shift() } else { throw new Error('done for today') } } const installMsgCronjobs = function (schedule) { stopMsgCrons() let i = 0 for (let eventType in schedule) { i++ let event = schedule[eventType] // override cronTimes for debugging purpose if (RED.settings.suncronMockTimes) { event.cronTime = dayjs().add(i * 5, 'second') } let cron = new CronJob({ cronTime: event.cronTime.toDate(), onTick: () => { ejectMsg(event, schedule) setNodeStatus( `now: ${event.event} @ ${event.cronTime.format('HH:mm')}`, 'green' ) setTimeout(() => { setNodeStatusToNextEvent(schedule) }, 2000) }, }) try { cron.start() msgCrons.push(cron) } catch (err) { debug(`${event.event}: ${err.message}`) } } debug(`${i} msg crons installed`) setNodeStatus(`${i} crons active`) setTimeout(() => { setNodeStatusToNextEvent(schedule) }, 2000) } const installDailyCronjob = function () { // run daily cron 5 seconds past midnight (except for debugging: 5 seconds past the full minute) const cronTime = RED.settings.suncronMockTimes ? '5 * * * * *' : '5 0 0 * * *' const cron = new CronJob({ cronTime, onTick: () => { schedule = calcScheduleForToday() installMsgCronjobs(schedule) ejectSchedule(schedule) setNodeStatusToNextEvent(schedule) }, }) cron.start() return cron } const debug = function (debugMsg) { if (RED.settings.suncronDebug) { node.warn(debugMsg) } } const setNodeStatus = function (text, color = 'grey') { node.status({ fill: color, shape: 'dot', text: text, }) } const setNodeStatusToNextEvent = function (schedule) { try { const nextEvent = findNextEvent(schedule) setNodeStatus( `next: ${nextEvent.eventName} @ ${nextEvent.eventTime.format( 'HH:mm' )}` ) } catch (err) { setNodeStatus(err.message) } } const findMostRecentEvent = function (schedule) { let pastEvents = Object.keys(schedule) .map((eventType) => schedule[eventType]) .sort((e1, e2) => e2.cronTime.unix() - e1.cronTime.unix()) .filter((event) => event.cronTime.isBefore(dayjs())) if (pastEvents.length > 0) { return pastEvents.shift() } else { throw new Error('no past events') } } const stopMsgCrons = function () { if (msgCrons.length > 0) { msgCrons.forEach((cron) => { cron.stop() }) debug(`${msgCrons.length} msg crons deleted`) msgCrons = [] } } const ejectMsg = function ({ payload, payloadType, topic }, schedule) { const castPayload = (payload, payloadType) => { if (payloadType === 'num') { return Number(payload) } else if (payloadType === 'bool') { return payload === 'true' } else if (payloadType === 'json') { return JSON.parse(payload) } else { return payload } } let formatedSchedule = formatSchedule(schedule) let next try { next = formatedSchedule[findNextEvent(schedule).eventName] } catch (e) { next = null } node.send({ topic, payload: castPayload(payload, payloadType), schedule: formatedSchedule, next, }) } const ejectSchedule = function (schedule) { if (!config.ejectScheduleOnUpdate) { return } node.send({ topic: 'suncron:schedule', payload: formatSchedule(schedule), }) } node.on('input', function (msg, send, done) { send = send || function () { node.send.apply(node, arguments) } if (typeof msg.payload === 'object') { // config object received as msg.payload debug(`!!!! CONFIG OBJECT RECEIVED !!!`) // debug(msg.payload) eventTypes.forEach((eventType) => { if ( msg.payload.hasOwnProperty(eventType) && Number.isInteger(msg.payload[eventType]) ) { debug(`new offset for ${eventType}: ${msg.payload[eventType]}`) config[`${eventType}Offset`] = Math.abs(msg.payload[eventType]) config[`${eventType}OffsetType`] = msg.payload[eventType] < 0 ? -1 : 1 } }) letsGo() } else { try { const mostRecentEvent = findMostRecentEvent(schedule) ejectMsg(mostRecentEvent, schedule) } catch (e) { debug(e) } } if (done) { done() } }) node.on('close', function () { stopMsgCrons() dailyCron.stop() }) ;(function () { // on startup: try { letsGo() } catch (e) { console.log(e) } })() } RED.nodes.registerType('suncron', SuncronNode) }