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Šis fails satur neviennozīmīgus unikoda simbolus

Šis fails satur unikoda simbolus, kas var tikt sajauktas ar citām rakstzīmēm. Ja šķiet, ka tas ir ar nolūku, šo brīdinājumu var droši neņemt vērā. Jāizmanto atsoļa taustiņš (Esc), lai atklātu tās.

import { RangePosition } from './css-syntax-error.js'
import Node from './node.js'
declare namespace Warning {
export interface WarningOptions {
* End position, exclusive, in CSS node string that caused the warning.
end?: RangePosition
* End index, exclusive, in CSS node string that caused the warning.
endIndex?: number
* Start index, inclusive, in CSS node string that caused the warning.
index?: number
* CSS node that caused the warning.
node?: Node
* Name of the plugin that created this warning. `Result#warn` fills
* this property automatically.
plugin?: string
* Start position, inclusive, in CSS node string that caused the warning.
start?: RangePosition
* Word in CSS source that caused the warning.
word?: string
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
export { Warning_ as default }
* Represents a plugins warning. It can be created using `Node#warn`.
* ```js
* if (decl.important) {
* decl.warn(result, 'Avoid !important', { word: '!important' })
* }
* ```
declare class Warning_ {
* Column for inclusive start position in the input file with this warnings source.
* ```js
* warning.column //=> 6
* ```
column: number
* Column for exclusive end position in the input file with this warnings source.
* ```js
* warning.endColumn //=> 4
* ```
endColumn?: number
* Line for exclusive end position in the input file with this warnings source.
* ```js
* warning.endLine //=> 6
* ```
endLine?: number
* Line for inclusive start position in the input file with this warnings source.
* ```js
* warning.line //=> 5
* ```
line: number
* Contains the CSS node that caused the warning.
* ```js
* warning.node.toString() //=> 'color: white !important'
* ```
node: Node
* The name of the plugin that created this warning.
* When you call `Node#warn` it will fill this property automatically.
* ```js
* warning.plugin //=> 'postcss-important'
* ```
plugin: string
* The warning message.
* ```js
* warning.text //=> 'Try to avoid !important'
* ```
text: string
* Type to filter warnings from `Result#messages`.
* Always equal to `"warning"`.
type: 'warning'
* @param text Warning message.
* @param opts Warning options.
constructor(text: string, opts?: Warning.WarningOptions)
* Returns a warning position and message.
* ```js
* warning.toString() //=> 'postcss-lint:a.css:10:14: Avoid !important'
* ```
* @return Warning position and message.
toString(): string
declare class Warning extends Warning_ {}
export = Warning