512 rindas
16 KiB

Šis fails satur neviennozīmīgus unikoda simbolus

Šis fails satur unikoda simbolus, kas var tikt sajauktas ar citām rakstzīmēm. Ja šķiet, ka tas ir ar nolūku, šo brīdinājumu var droši neņemt vērā. Jāizmanto atsoļa taustiņš (Esc), lai atklātu tās.

"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Namespace = exports.RESERVED_EVENTS = void 0;
const socket_1 = require("./socket");
const typed_events_1 = require("./typed-events");
const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug"));
const broadcast_operator_1 = require("./broadcast-operator");
const debug = (0, debug_1.default)("socket.io:namespace");
exports.RESERVED_EVENTS = new Set(["connect", "connection", "new_namespace"]);
* A Namespace is a communication channel that allows you to split the logic of your application over a single shared
* connection.
* Each namespace has its own:
* - event handlers
* ```
* io.of("/orders").on("connection", (socket) => {
* socket.on("order:list", () => {});
* socket.on("order:create", () => {});
* });
* io.of("/users").on("connection", (socket) => {
* socket.on("user:list", () => {});
* });
* ```
* - rooms
* ```
* const orderNamespace = io.of("/orders");
* orderNamespace.on("connection", (socket) => {
* socket.join("room1");
* orderNamespace.to("room1").emit("hello");
* });
* const userNamespace = io.of("/users");
* userNamespace.on("connection", (socket) => {
* socket.join("room1"); // distinct from the room in the "orders" namespace
* userNamespace.to("room1").emit("holà");
* });
* ```
* - middlewares
* ```
* const orderNamespace = io.of("/orders");
* orderNamespace.use((socket, next) => {
* // ensure the socket has access to the "orders" namespace
* });
* const userNamespace = io.of("/users");
* userNamespace.use((socket, next) => {
* // ensure the socket has access to the "users" namespace
* });
* ```
class Namespace extends typed_events_1.StrictEventEmitter {
* Namespace constructor.
* @param server instance
* @param name
constructor(server, name) {
this.sockets = new Map();
/** @private */
this._fns = [];
/** @private */
this._ids = 0;
this.server = server;
this.name = name;
* Initializes the `Adapter` for this nsp.
* Run upon changing adapter by `Server#adapter`
* in addition to the constructor.
* @private
_initAdapter() {
// @ts-ignore
this.adapter = new (this.server.adapter())(this);
* Registers a middleware, which is a function that gets executed for every incoming {@link Socket}.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* myNamespace.use((socket, next) => {
* // ...
* next();
* });
* @param fn - the middleware function
use(fn) {
return this;
* Executes the middleware for an incoming client.
* @param socket - the socket that will get added
* @param fn - last fn call in the middleware
* @private
run(socket, fn) {
const fns = this._fns.slice(0);
if (!fns.length)
return fn(null);
function run(i) {
fns[i](socket, function (err) {
// upon error, short-circuit
if (err)
return fn(err);
// if no middleware left, summon callback
if (!fns[i + 1])
return fn(null);
// go on to next
run(i + 1);
* Targets a room when emitting.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // the “foo” event will be broadcast to all connected clients in the “room-101” room
* myNamespace.to("room-101").emit("foo", "bar");
* // with an array of rooms (a client will be notified at most once)
* myNamespace.to(["room-101", "room-102"]).emit("foo", "bar");
* // with multiple chained calls
* myNamespace.to("room-101").to("room-102").emit("foo", "bar");
* @param room - a room, or an array of rooms
* @return a new {@link BroadcastOperator} instance for chaining
to(room) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).to(room);
* Targets a room when emitting. Similar to `to()`, but might feel clearer in some cases:
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // disconnect all clients in the "room-101" room
* myNamespace.in("room-101").disconnectSockets();
* @param room - a room, or an array of rooms
* @return a new {@link BroadcastOperator} instance for chaining
in(room) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).in(room);
* Excludes a room when emitting.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // the "foo" event will be broadcast to all connected clients, except the ones that are in the "room-101" room
* myNamespace.except("room-101").emit("foo", "bar");
* // with an array of rooms
* myNamespace.except(["room-101", "room-102"]).emit("foo", "bar");
* // with multiple chained calls
* myNamespace.except("room-101").except("room-102").emit("foo", "bar");
* @param room - a room, or an array of rooms
* @return a new {@link BroadcastOperator} instance for chaining
except(room) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).except(room);
* Adds a new client.
* @return {Socket}
* @private
_add(client, query, fn) {
debug("adding socket to nsp %s", this.name);
const socket = new socket_1.Socket(this, client, query);
this.run(socket, (err) => {
process.nextTick(() => {
if ("open" !== client.conn.readyState) {
debug("next called after client was closed - ignoring socket");
if (err) {
debug("middleware error, sending CONNECT_ERROR packet to the client");
if (client.conn.protocol === 3) {
return socket._error(err.data || err.message);
else {
return socket._error({
message: err.message,
data: err.data,
// track socket
this.sockets.set(socket.id, socket);
// it's paramount that the internal `onconnect` logic
// fires before user-set events to prevent state order
// violations (such as a disconnection before the connection
// logic is complete)
if (fn)
// fire user-set events
this.emitReserved("connect", socket);
this.emitReserved("connection", socket);
return socket;
* Removes a client. Called by each `Socket`.
* @private
_remove(socket) {
if (this.sockets.has(socket.id)) {
else {
debug("ignoring remove for %s", socket.id);
* Emits to all connected clients.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* myNamespace.emit("hello", "world");
* // all serializable datastructures are supported (no need to call JSON.stringify)
* myNamespace.emit("hello", 1, "2", { 3: ["4"], 5: Uint8Array.from([6]) });
* // with an acknowledgement from the clients
* myNamespace.timeout(1000).emit("some-event", (err, responses) => {
* if (err) {
* // some clients did not acknowledge the event in the given delay
* } else {
* console.log(responses); // one response per client
* }
* });
* @return Always true
emit(ev, ...args) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).emit(ev, ...args);
* Sends a `message` event to all clients.
* This method mimics the WebSocket.send() method.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/send
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* myNamespace.send("hello");
* // this is equivalent to
* myNamespace.emit("message", "hello");
* @return self
send(...args) {
this.emit("message", ...args);
return this;
* Sends a `message` event to all clients. Sends a `message` event. Alias of {@link send}.
* @return self
write(...args) {
this.emit("message", ...args);
return this;
* Sends a message to the other Socket.IO servers of the cluster.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* myNamespace.serverSideEmit("hello", "world");
* myNamespace.on("hello", (arg1) => {
* console.log(arg1); // prints "world"
* });
* // acknowledgements (without binary content) are supported too:
* myNamespace.serverSideEmit("ping", (err, responses) => {
* if (err) {
* // some clients did not acknowledge the event in the given delay
* } else {
* console.log(responses); // one response per client
* }
* });
* myNamespace.on("ping", (cb) => {
* cb("pong");
* });
* @param ev - the event name
* @param args - an array of arguments, which may include an acknowledgement callback at the end
serverSideEmit(ev, ...args) {
if (exports.RESERVED_EVENTS.has(ev)) {
throw new Error(`"${String(ev)}" is a reserved event name`);
return true;
* Called when a packet is received from another Socket.IO server
* @param args - an array of arguments, which may include an acknowledgement callback at the end
* @private
_onServerSideEmit(args) {
super.emitUntyped.apply(this, args);
* Gets a list of clients.
* @deprecated this method will be removed in the next major release, please use {@link Namespace#serverSideEmit} or
* {@link Namespace#fetchSockets} instead.
allSockets() {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).allSockets();
* Sets the compress flag.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* myNamespace.compress(false).emit("hello");
* @param compress - if `true`, compresses the sending data
* @return self
compress(compress) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).compress(compress);
* Sets a modifier for a subsequent event emission that the event data may be lost if the client is not ready to
* receive messages (because of network slowness or other issues, or because theyre connected through long polling
* and is in the middle of a request-response cycle).
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* myNamespace.volatile.emit("hello"); // the clients may or may not receive it
* @return self
get volatile() {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).volatile;
* Sets a modifier for a subsequent event emission that the event data will only be broadcast to the current node.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // the “foo” event will be broadcast to all connected clients on this node
* myNamespace.local.emit("foo", "bar");
* @return a new {@link BroadcastOperator} instance for chaining
get local() {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).local;
* Adds a timeout in milliseconds for the next operation.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* myNamespace.timeout(1000).emit("some-event", (err, responses) => {
* if (err) {
* // some clients did not acknowledge the event in the given delay
* } else {
* console.log(responses); // one response per client
* }
* });
* @param timeout
timeout(timeout) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).timeout(timeout);
* Returns the matching socket instances.
* Note: this method also works within a cluster of multiple Socket.IO servers, with a compatible {@link Adapter}.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // return all Socket instances
* const sockets = await myNamespace.fetchSockets();
* // return all Socket instances in the "room1" room
* const sockets = await myNamespace.in("room1").fetchSockets();
* for (const socket of sockets) {
* console.log(socket.id);
* console.log(socket.handshake);
* console.log(socket.rooms);
* console.log(socket.data);
* socket.emit("hello");
* socket.join("room1");
* socket.leave("room2");
* socket.disconnect();
* }
fetchSockets() {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).fetchSockets();
* Makes the matching socket instances join the specified rooms.
* Note: this method also works within a cluster of multiple Socket.IO servers, with a compatible {@link Adapter}.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // make all socket instances join the "room1" room
* myNamespace.socketsJoin("room1");
* // make all socket instances in the "room1" room join the "room2" and "room3" rooms
* myNamespace.in("room1").socketsJoin(["room2", "room3"]);
* @param room - a room, or an array of rooms
socketsJoin(room) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).socketsJoin(room);
* Makes the matching socket instances leave the specified rooms.
* Note: this method also works within a cluster of multiple Socket.IO servers, with a compatible {@link Adapter}.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // make all socket instances leave the "room1" room
* myNamespace.socketsLeave("room1");
* // make all socket instances in the "room1" room leave the "room2" and "room3" rooms
* myNamespace.in("room1").socketsLeave(["room2", "room3"]);
* @param room - a room, or an array of rooms
socketsLeave(room) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).socketsLeave(room);
* Makes the matching socket instances disconnect.
* Note: this method also works within a cluster of multiple Socket.IO servers, with a compatible {@link Adapter}.
* @example
* const myNamespace = io.of("/my-namespace");
* // make all socket instances disconnect (the connections might be kept alive for other namespaces)
* myNamespace.disconnectSockets();
* // make all socket instances in the "room1" room disconnect and close the underlying connections
* myNamespace.in("room1").disconnectSockets(true);
* @param close - whether to close the underlying connection
disconnectSockets(close = false) {
return new broadcast_operator_1.BroadcastOperator(this.adapter).disconnectSockets(close);
exports.Namespace = Namespace;