1065 lines
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1065 lines
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const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const v = require('../../package.json').version
const datastore = require('../store/data.js')
const statestore = require('../store/state.js')
const { appendTopic, addConnectionCredentials } = require('../utils/index.js')
// from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28592528/3016654
function join (...paths) {
return paths.map(function (element) {
return element.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '')
* Check if an object has a property
* TODO: move to test-able utility lib
* @param {Object} obj - Object to check for property
* @param {String} prop - Property to check for
* @returns {boolean}
function hasProperty (obj, prop) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)
module.exports = function (RED) {
const express = require('express')
const { Server } = require('socket.io')
* @typedef {import('socket.io/dist').Socket} Socket
* @typedef {import('socket.io/dist').Server} Server
// store state that can maintain cross re-deployments
const uiShared = {
app: null,
httpServer: null,
/** @type { Server } */
ioServer: null,
/** @type {Object.<string, Socket>} */
connections: {},
settings: {},
contribs: {}
* Initialise the Express Server and SocketIO Server in Singleton Pattern
* @param {Object} node - Node-RED Node
* @param {Object} config - Node-RED Node Config
function init (node, config) {
node.uiShared = uiShared // ensure we have a uiShared object on the node (for testing mainly)
if (!config.acceptsClientConfig) {
// for those upgrading, we need this for backwards compatibility
config.acceptsClientConfig = ['ui-control', 'ui-notification']
if (!('includeClientData' in config)) {
// for those upgrading, we need this for backwards compatibility
config.includeClientData = true
// expose these properties at runtime
node.acceptsClientConfig = config.acceptsClientConfig // which node types can be scoped to a specific client
node.includeClientData = config.includeClientData // whether to include client data in msg payloads
// eventually check if we have routes used, so we can support multiple base UIs
if (!uiShared.app) {
uiShared.app = RED.httpNode || RED.httpAdmin
uiShared.httpServer = RED.server
// Use the 'dashboard' settings if present, otherwise fallback
// to node-red-dashboard 'ui' settings object.
uiShared.settings = RED.settings.dashboard || RED.settings.ui || {}
// Default no-op middleware
uiShared.httpMiddleware = function (req, res, next) { next() }
if (uiShared.settings.middleware) {
if (typeof uiShared.settings.middleware === 'function' || Array.isArray(uiShared.settings.middleware)) {
uiShared.httpMiddleware = uiShared.settings.middleware
* Load in third party widgets
let packagePath, packageJson
if (RED.settings?.userDir) {
packagePath = path.join(RED.settings.userDir, 'package.json')
packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packagePath, 'utf8'))
} else {
node.log('Cannot import third party widgets. No access to Node-RED package.json')
if (packageJson && packageJson.dependencies) {
Object.entries(packageJson.dependencies)?.filter(([packageName, _packageVersion]) => {
return packageName.includes('node-red-dashboard-2-')
}).map(([packageName, _packageVersion]) => {
const modulePath = path.join(RED.settings.userDir, 'node_modules', packageName)
const packagePath = path.join(modulePath, 'package.json')
// get third party package.json
const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packagePath, 'utf8'))
if (packageJson?.['node-red-dashboard-2']) {
// loop over object of widgets
Object.entries(packageJson['node-red-dashboard-2'].widgets).forEach(([widgetName, widgetConfig]) => {
uiShared.contribs[widgetName] = {
package: packageName,
name: widgetName,
src: widgetConfig.output,
component: widgetConfig.component
return packageJson
* Configure Web Server to handle UI traffic
uiShared.app.use(config.path, uiShared.httpMiddleware, express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../dist')))
uiShared.app.get(config.path + '/_setup', uiShared.httpMiddleware, (req, res) => {
let socketPath = join(RED.settings.httpNodeRoot, config.path, 'socket.io')
// if no leading /, add one (happens sometimes depending on httpNodeRoot in settings.js)
if (socketPath[0] !== '/') {
socketPath = '/' + socketPath
let resp = {
RED: {
httpAdminRoot: RED.settings.httpAdminRoot,
httpNodeRoot: RED.settings.httpNodeRoot
socketio: {
path: socketPath
// Hook API - onSetup(RED, config, req, res)
RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2').forEach(plugin => {
if (plugin.hooks?.onSetup) {
const _resp = plugin.hooks.onSetup(config, req, res)
resp = { ...resp, ..._resp }
return res.json(resp)
// debugging endpoints
uiShared.app.get(config.path + '/_debug/datastore/:itemid', uiShared.httpMiddleware, (req, res) => {
return res.json(datastore.get(req.params.itemid))
uiShared.app.get(config.path + '/_debug/statestore/:itemid', uiShared.httpMiddleware, (req, res) => {
return res.json(statestore.getAll(req.params.itemid))
// serve dashboard
uiShared.app.get(config.path, uiShared.httpMiddleware, (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../../dist/index.html'))
uiShared.app.get(config.path + '/*', uiShared.httpMiddleware, (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../../dist/index.html'))
node.log(`Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 (v${v}) started at ${config.path}`)
* Create IO Server for comms between Node-RED and UI
if (RED.settings.httpNodeRoot !== false) {
const root = RED.settings.httpNodeRoot || '/'
const fullPath = join(root, config.path)
const socketIoPath = join('/', fullPath, 'socket.io')
/** @type {import('socket.io/dist').ServerOptions} */
const serverOptions = {
path: socketIoPath,
maxHttpBufferSize: uiShared.settings.maxHttpBufferSize || 1e6 // SocketIO default size
// console.log('Creating socket.io server at path', socketIoPath) // disable - noisy in tests
// store reference to the SocketIO Server
uiShared.ioServer = new Server(uiShared.httpServer, serverOptions)
uiShared.ioServer.setMaxListeners(0) // prevent memory leak warning // TODO: be more smart about this!
if (typeof uiShared.settings.ioMiddleware === 'function') {
} else if (Array.isArray(uiShared.settings.ioMiddleware)) {
uiShared.settings.ioMiddleware.forEach(function (ioMiddleware) {
} else {
uiShared.ioServer.use(function (socket, next) {
if (socket.client.conn.request.url.indexOf('transport=websocket') !== -1) {
// Reject direct websocket requests
if (socket.handshake.xdomain === false) {
return next()
} else {
const bindOn = RED.server ? 'bound to Node-RED port' : 'on port ' + node.port
node.log('Created socket.io server ' + bindOn + ' at path ' + socketIoPath)
} else {
node.warn('Cannot create UI Base node when httpNodeRoot set to false')
* Close the SocketIO Server
function close (node, done) {
if (!uiShared.ioServer) {
// determine if any ui-pages are left, if so, don't close the server
const baseNodes = []
const pageNodes = []
const themes = []
RED.nodes.eachNode(n => {
if (n.type === 'ui-page' || n.type === 'ui-link') {
} else if (n.type === 'ui-base' && n.id !== node.id) {
} else if (n.type === 'ui-theme') {
if (pageNodes.length > 0) {
// there are still ui-pages, so don't close the server
node.ui.pages.clear()// ensure we clear out any pages that may have been left over
// since there are no pages, we can assume widgets and groups are also gone
if (baseNodes.length > 0) {
// there are still other ui-base nodes, don't close the server
// as there are no more instances of ui-page and this is the last ui-base, close the server
// tidy up
if (themes.length === 0) {
node.ui.dashboards.clear() // ensure we clear out any dashboards that may have been left over
node.uiShared = null // remove reference to ui object
done && done()
* UI Base Node Constructor. Called each time Node-RED deploy creates / recreates a u-base node.
* * _whether this constructor is called depends on if there are any changes to THIS node_
* * _A full Deploy will always call this function as every node is destroyed and re-created_
* @param {Object} n - Node-RED node configuration as entered in the nodes editor
function UIBaseNode (n) {
RED.nodes.createNode(this, n)
const node = this
node._created = Date.now()
n.root = RED.settings.httpNodeRoot || '/'
/** @type {Object.<string, Socket>} */
// node.connections = {} // store socket.io connections for this node
// // re-map existing connections for this base node
for (const id in uiShared.connections) {
const socket = uiShared.connections[id]
if (uiShared.connections[id]._baseId === node.id) {
// re establish event handlers
socket.on('widget-send', onSend.bind(null, socket))
socket.on('widget-action', onAction.bind(null, socket))
socket.on('widget-change', onChange.bind(null, socket))
socket.on('widget-load', onLoad.bind(null, socket))
/** @type {NodeJS.Timeout} */
node.emitConfigRequested = null // used to debounce requests to emitConfig
// Configure & Run Express Server
init(node, n)
* Emit an event to all connected UIs
* @param {String} event
* @param {Object} msg
* @param {Object} wNode - the Node-RED node that is emitting the event
function emit (event, msg, wNode) {
Object.values(uiShared.connections).forEach(conn => {
if (canSendTo(conn, wNode, msg)) {
conn.emit(event, msg)
// surface this so that other nodes can emit messages directly
node.emit = emit
* Checks, given a received msg, and the associated SocketIO connection
* whether the msg has been configured to only be sent to particular connections
* @param {*} conn - SocketIO Connection Object
* @param {*} wNode - The Node-RED node we are sending this to
* @param {*} msg - The msg to be sent
* @returns {Boolean} - Whether the msg can be sent to this connection
function canSendTo (conn, wNode, msg) {
const nodeAllowsConstraints = wNode ? n.acceptsClientConfig?.includes(wNode.type) : true
return (nodeAllowsConstraints && isValidConnection(conn, msg)) || !nodeAllowsConstraints
* Checks, given a received msg, and the associated SocketIO connection
* whether the msg has been configured to only be sent to particular connections
* @param {*} conn - SocketIO Connection Object
* @param {*} msg -
function isValidConnection (conn, msg) {
const checks = []
// loop over plugins and check if any have defined a custom isValidConnection function
// if so, use that to determine if the connection is valid
for (const plugin of RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2')) {
if (plugin.hooks?.onIsValidConnection) {
checks.push(plugin.hooks.onIsValidConnection(conn, msg))
// conduct the core check too
if (msg._client?.socketId) {
// if a particular socketid has been defined,
// we only send comms on the connection that matches that id
checks.push(msg._client?.socketId === conn.id)
// ensure all checks validate sending this
return !checks.length || !checks.includes(false)
* Emit UI Config to all connected UIs
* @param {Socket} socket - socket.io socket connecting to the server
function emitConfig (socket) {
// loop over widgets - check statestore if we've had any dynamic properties set
for (const [id, widget] of node.ui.widgets) {
const state = statestore.getAll(id)
if (state) {
// merge the statestore with our props to account for dynamically set properties:
widget.props = { ...widget.props, ...state }
widget.state = { ...widget.state, ...state }
// loop over pages - check statestore if we've had any dynamic properties set
for (const [id, page] of node.ui.pages) {
const state = statestore.getAll(id)
if (state) {
// merge the statestore with our props to account for dynamically set properties:
node.ui.pages.set(id, { ...page, ...state })
// loop over groups - check statestore if we've had any dynamic properties set
for (const [id, group] of node.ui.groups) {
const state = statestore.getAll(id)
if (state) {
// merge the statestore with our props to account for dynamically set properties:
node.ui.groups.set(id, { ...group, ...state })
// pass the connected UI the UI config
socket.emit('ui-config', node.id, {
dashboards: Object.fromEntries(node.ui.dashboards),
heads: Object.fromEntries(node.ui.heads),
pages: Object.fromEntries(node.ui.pages),
themes: Object.fromEntries(node.ui.themes),
groups: Object.fromEntries(node.ui.groups),
widgets: Object.fromEntries(node.ui.widgets)
// remove event handler socket listeners for a given socket connection
function cleanupEventHandlers (socket) {
try {
} catch (_error) { /* do nothing */ }
try {
} catch (_error) { /* do nothing */ }
try {
} catch (_error) { /* do nothing */ }
try {
} catch (_error) { /* do nothing */ }
try {
} catch (_error) { /* do nothing */ }
// check if any widgets have defined custom socket events
// remove their listeners to make sure we clean up properly
node.ui?.widgets?.forEach((widget) => {
if (widget.hooks?.onSocket) {
for (const [eventName] of Object.entries(widget.hooks.onSocket)) {
try {
} catch (_error) { /* do nothing */ }
function setupEventHandlers (socket, onConnection) {
socket.on('widget-send', onSend.bind(null, socket))
socket.on('widget-action', onAction.bind(null, socket))
socket.on('widget-change', onChange.bind(null, socket))
socket.on('widget-load', onLoad.bind(null, socket))
// check if any widgets have defined custom socket events
// most common with third-party widgets that are not part of core Dashboard 2.0
const registered = [] // track which widget types we've already subscribed for
node.ui?.widgets?.forEach((widget) => {
if (widget.hooks?.onSocket) {
for (const [eventName, handler] of Object.entries(widget.hooks.onSocket)) {
// we only need add the listener for a given event type the once
if (eventName === 'connection') {
if (onConnection) {
// these handlers are setup as part of an onConnection event, so trigegr these now
} else {
widget._onSocketHandlers = widget._onSocketHandlers || {}
widget._onSocketHandlers[eventName] = handler.bind(null, socket)
socket.on(eventName, widget._onSocketHandlers[eventName])
// handle disconnection
socket.on('disconnect', reason => {
delete uiShared.connections[socket.id]
node.log(`Disconnected ${socket.id} due to ${reason}`)
* on connection handler for SocketIO
* @param {Socket} socket socket.io socket connecting to the server
function onConnection (socket) {
// record mapping from connection to he ui-base node
socket._baseId = node.id
// node.connections[socket.id] = socket // store the connection for later use
uiShared.connections[socket.id] = socket // store the connection for later use
// clean up then re-register listeners
// cleanupEventHandlers(socket)
// setup connections, and fire any 'on('connection')' events
setupEventHandlers(socket, true)
* Handles a widget-action event from the UI
* @param {Socket} conn - socket.io socket connecting to the server
* @param {String} id - widget id sending the action
* @param {*} msg - The node-red msg object to forward
* @returns void
async function onAction (conn, id, msg) {
// Hooks API - onAction(conn, id, msg)
RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2').forEach(plugin => {
if (plugin.hooks?.onAction && msg) {
msg = plugin.hooks.onAction(conn, id, msg)
if (!msg) {
// a plugin has made msg blank - meaning that we don't want to send it on
msg = addConnectionCredentials(RED, msg, conn, n)
// ensure msg is an object. Assume the incoming data is the payload if not
if (!msg || typeof msg !== 'object') {
msg = { payload: msg }
// get widget node and configuration
const { wNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents } = getWidgetAndConfig(id)
// ensure we can get the requested widget from the runtime & that this widget has an onAction handler
if (!wNode || !widgetEvents.onAction) {
return // widget does not exist (e.g. deleted from NR and deployed BUT the ui page was not refreshed)
// Wrap execution in a try/catch to ensure we don't crash Node-RED
try {
msg = await appendTopic(RED, widgetConfig, wNode, msg)
// pre-process the msg before send on the msg (if beforeSend is defined)
if (widgetEvents?.beforeSend && typeof widgetEvents.beforeSend === 'function') {
msg = await widgetEvents.beforeSend(msg)
// send the msg onwards
} catch (error) {
let errorHandler = typeof (widgetEvents.onError) === 'function' ? widgetEvents.onError : null
errorHandler = errorHandler || (typeof wNode.error === 'function' ? wNode.error : node.error)
errorHandler && errorHandler(error)
* Handles a widget-change event from the UI
* @param {Socket} conn - socket.io socket connecting to the server
* @param {String} id - widget id sending the action
* @param {*} value - The value to send to node-red. Typically this is the payload
* @returns void
async function onChange (conn, id, value) {
// console.log('conn:' + conn.id, 'on:widget-change:' + id, value)
// get widget node and configuration
const { wNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents } = getWidgetAndConfig(id)
if (!wNode) {
return // widget does not exist any more (e.g. deleted from NR and deployed BUT the ui page was not refreshed)
let msg = datastore.get(id) || {}
RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2').forEach(plugin => {
if (plugin.hooks?.onChange) {
msg = plugin.hooks.onChange(conn, id, msg)
if (!msg) {
// a plugin has made msg blank - meaning that we don't want to send it on
msg = addConnectionCredentials(RED, msg, conn, n)
async function defaultHandler (msg, value) {
if (typeof (value) === 'object' && value !== null && hasProperty(value, 'payload')) {
msg.payload = value.payload
} else {
msg.payload = value
msg = await appendTopic(RED, widgetConfig, wNode, msg)
if (widgetEvents?.beforeSend) {
msg = await widgetEvents.beforeSend(msg)
datastore.save(n, wNode, msg)
wNode.send(msg) // send the msg onwards
// wrap execution in a try/catch to ensure we don't crash Node-RED
try {
// Most of the time, we can just use this default handler,
// but sometimes a node needs to do something specific (e.g. ui-switch)
const handler = typeof (widgetEvents.onChange) === 'function' ? widgetEvents.onChange : defaultHandler
await handler(msg, value)
} catch (error) {
let errorHandler = typeof (widgetEvents.onError) === 'function' ? widgetEvents.onError : null
errorHandler = errorHandler || (typeof wNode.error === 'function' ? wNode.error : node.error)
errorHandler && errorHandler(error)
* Handles a widget-send event from the UI
* This takes a msg input, and emits it from the relevant node (normally a template node)
* also stores in the data store, and does not consider any previously stored messages (unlike widget-change)
* @param {Socket} conn - socket.io socket connecting to the server
* @param {String} id - widget id sending the action
* @param {*} msg - The value to send to node-red. Typically this is the payload
* @returns void
async function onSend (conn, id, msg) {
// console.log('conn:' + conn.id, 'on:widget-send:' + id, msg)
// get widget node and configuration
const { wNode, widgetEvents } = getWidgetAndConfig(id)
if (!wNode) {
return // widget does not exist any more (e.g. deleted from NR and deployed BUT the ui page was not refreshed)
RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2').forEach(plugin => {
if (plugin.hooks?.onSend) {
msg = plugin.hooks.onSend(conn, id, msg)
if (!msg) {
// a plugin has made msg blank - meaning that we don't want to send it on
msg = addConnectionCredentials(RED, msg, conn, n)
async function defaultHandler (value) {
if (widgetEvents?.beforeSend) {
msg = await widgetEvents.beforeSend(msg)
datastore.save(n, wNode, msg)
wNode.send(msg) // send the msg onwards
// wrap execution in a try/catch to ensure we don't crash Node-RED
try {
// Most of the time, we can just use this default handler,
// but sometimes a node needs to do something specific (e.g. ui-switch)
const handler = typeof (widgetEvents.onSend) === 'function' ? widgetEvents.onSend : defaultHandler
await handler(msg)
} catch (error) {
let errorHandler = typeof (widgetEvents.onError) === 'function' ? widgetEvents.onError : null
errorHandler = errorHandler || (typeof wNode.error === 'function' ? wNode.error : node.error)
errorHandler && errorHandler(error)
async function onLoad (conn, id, msg) {
// console.log('conn:' + conn.id, 'on:widget-load:' + id, msg)
if (!id) {
console.error('No widget id provided for widget-load event')
const { wNode, widgetEvents } = getWidgetAndConfig(id)
// any widgets we hard-code into our front end (e.g ui-notification for connection alerts) will start with ui-
// Node-RED built nodes will be a random UUID
if (!wNode && !id.startsWith('ui-')) {
console.log('widget does not exist any more')
return // widget does not exist any more (e.g. deleted from NR and deployed BUT the ui page was not refreshed)
async function handler () {
let msg = datastore.get(id)
const state = statestore.getAll(id)
RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2').forEach(plugin => {
if (plugin.hooks?.onLoad) {
msg = plugin.hooks.onLoad(conn, id, msg, state)
if (!msg && !state) {
// a plugin has made msg blank - meaning that we do anything else
conn.emit('widget-load:' + id, msg, state)
// wrap execution in a try/catch to ensure we don't crash Node-RED
try {
} catch (error) {
let errorHandler = typeof (widgetEvents.onError) === 'function' ? widgetEvents.onError : null
errorHandler = errorHandler || (typeof wNode.error === 'function' ? wNode.error : node.error)
errorHandler && errorHandler(error)
* Get the widget node and associated configuration/event hooks
* @param {String} id - ID of the widget
* @returns {Object} - { wNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents, widget }
function getWidgetAndConfig (id) {
// node.ui?.widgets is empty?
// themes, groups, etc. are not empty?
const wNode = RED.nodes.getNode(id)
const widget = node.ui?.widgets?.get(id)
const widgetConfig = widget?.props || {}
const widgetEvents = widget?.hooks || {}
return { wNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents, widget }
// When a UI connects - send the UI Config from Node-RED to the UI
uiShared.ioServer.on('connection', onConnection)
// Make sure we clean up after ourselves
node.on('close', (removed, done) => {
uiShared.ioServer?.off('connection', onConnection)
for (const conn of Object.values(uiShared.connections)) {
close(node, function (err) {
if (err) {
node.error(`Error closing socket.io server for ${node.id}`, err)
* External Functions for managing UI Components
// store ui config to be sent to UI
node.ui = {
heads: new Map(),
dashboards: new Map(),
pages: new Map(),
themes: new Map(),
groups: new Map(),
widgets: new Map()
node.stores = {
data: datastore,
state: statestore
* Queue up a config emit to the UI. This is a debounced function
* * only sockets connected to this node will receive the config
* * each ui-node will have it's own connections and will emit it's own config
* @returns {void}
node.requestEmitConfig = function () {
if (node.emitConfigRequested) {
node.emitConfigRequested = setTimeout(() => {
try {
// emit config to all connected UI for this ui-base
Object.values(uiShared.connections).forEach(socket => {
} finally {
node.emitConfigRequested = null
}, 300)
* Allow for any child node to emit to all connected UIs
node.emit = emit
node.getBaseURL = function () {
// get the endpoint for the ui-base
const path = n.path || ''
// get our HTTP root, defined by NR Settings
const base = RED.settings.httpNodeRoot || '/'
const basePart = base.endsWith('/') ? base : `${base}/`
const dashPart = path.startsWith('/') ? path.slice(1) : path
const fullPath = `${basePart}${dashPart}`
return fullPath
node.registerTheme = function (theme) {
const { _wireCount, _inputCallback, _inputCallbacks, _closeCallbacks, wires, type, ...t } = theme
node.ui.themes.set(t.id, t)
* Register allows for pages, widgets, groups, etc. to register themselves with the Base UI Node
* @param {*} page
* @param {*} widget
node.register = function (page, group, widgetNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents) {
// console.log('dashboard 2.0, UIBaseNode: node.register(...)', page, group, widgetNode, widgetConfig, widgetEvents)
* Build UI Config
// strip widgetConfig of stuff we don't really care about (e.g. Node-RED x/y coordinates)
// and leave us just with the properties set inside the Node-RED Editor, store as "props"
// store our UI state properties under the .state key too
let widget = null
if (widgetNode && widgetConfig) {
// default states
if (statestore.getProperty(widgetConfig.id, 'enabled') === undefined) {
statestore.set(n, widgetConfig, null, 'enabled', true)
if (statestore.getProperty(widgetConfig.id, 'visible') === undefined) {
statestore.set(n, widgetConfig, null, 'visible', true)
if (statestore.getProperty(widgetConfig.id, 'class') === undefined) {
statestore.set(n, widgetConfig, null, 'class', '')
// build widget object
widget = {
id: widgetConfig.id,
type: widgetConfig.type,
props: widgetConfig,
layout: {
width: widgetConfig.width || 3,
height: widgetConfig.height || 1,
order: widgetConfig.order || 0
state: statestore.getAll(widgetConfig.id),
hooks: widgetEvents,
src: uiShared.contribs[widgetConfig.type]
const parent = RED.nodes.getNode(widgetConfig.z)
if (parent && parent.TYPE === 'subflow') {
const orderEnv = parent.subflowInstance.env?.find(e => e.key === 'DB2_SF_ORDER')
let order = parseInt(orderEnv?.value)
if (isNaN(order)) {
order = 0
widget.props.subflow = {
id: widgetConfig.z,
name: parent.subflowInstance?.name || parent.subflowDef.name,
delete widget.props.id
delete widget.props.type
delete widget.props.x
delete widget.props.y
delete widget.props.wires
if (widget.props.width === '0') {
widget.props.width = null
if (widget.props.height === '0') {
widget.props.height = null
// merge the statestore with our props toa ccount for dynamically set properties:
// loop over props and check if we have any function definitions (e.g. onMounted, onInput)
// and stringify them for transport over SocketIO
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(widget.props)) {
// supported functions
const supported = ['onMounted', 'onInput']
if (supported.includes(key) && typeof value === 'function') {
widget.props[key] = value.toString()
} else if (key === 'methods') {
for (const [method, fcn] of Object.entries(widget.props.methods)) {
if (typeof fcn === 'function') {
widget.props.methods[method] = fcn.toString()
// map dashboards by their ID
if (!node.ui.dashboards.has(n.id)) {
node.ui.dashboards.set(n.id, n)
// map themes by their ID
if (page && page.type === 'ui-page' && !node.ui.themes.has(page.theme)) {
const theme = RED.nodes.getNode(page.theme)
if (theme) {
} else {
node.warn(`Theme '${page.theme}' specified in page '${page.id}' does not exist`)
// map pages by their ID
if (page) {
// ensure we have the latest instance of the page's node
const { _users, ...p } = page
node.ui.pages.set(page.id, p)
// map groups on a page-by-page basis
if (group) {
const { _user, type, ...g } = group
node.ui.groups.set(group.id, g)
// map widgets on a group-by-group basis
if (widgetNode && widgetConfig && !node.ui.widgets.has(widget.id)) {
node.ui.widgets.set(widget.id, widget)
* Helper Function for testing
if (widgetNode) {
widgetNode.getState = function () {
return datastore.get(widgetNode.id)
* Event Handlers
// add Node-RED listener to the widget for when it's corresponding node receives a msg in Node-RED
widgetNode?.on('input', async function (msg, send, done) {
// clean msg - #668
delete msg.res
delete msg.req
// ensure we have latest instance of the widget's node
const wNode = RED.nodes.getNode(widgetNode.id)
if (!wNode) {
return // widget does not exist any more (e.g. deleted from NR and deployed BUT the ui page was not refreshed)
// Hooks API - onInput(msg)
RED.plugins.getByType('node-red-dashboard-2').forEach(plugin => {
if (plugin.hooks?.onInput) {
msg = plugin.hooks.onInput(msg)
if (!msg) {
// a plugin has made msg blank - meaning that we do anything else
try {
// pre-process the msg before running our onInput function
if (widgetEvents?.beforeSend) {
msg = await widgetEvents.beforeSend(msg)
// standard dynamic property handlers
if (hasProperty(msg, 'enabled')) {
statestore.set(n, widgetNode, msg, 'enabled', msg.enabled)
if (hasProperty(msg, 'visible')) {
statestore.set(n, widgetNode, msg, 'visible', msg.visible)
if (hasProperty(msg, 'class') || (hasProperty(msg, 'ui_update') && hasProperty(msg.ui_update, 'class'))) {
const cls = msg.class || msg.ui_update?.class
statestore.set(n, widgetNode, msg, 'class', cls)
// run any node-specific handler defined in the Widget's component
if (widgetEvents?.onInput) {
await widgetEvents?.onInput(msg, send)
} else {
// msg could be null if the beforeSend errors and returns null
if (msg) {
// store the latest msg passed to node
datastore.save(n, widgetNode, msg)
if (widgetConfig.topic || widgetConfig.topicType) {
msg = await appendTopic(RED, widgetConfig, wNode, msg)
if (hasProperty(widgetConfig, 'passthru')) {
if (widgetConfig.passthru) {
} else {
// emit to all connected UIs
emit('msg-input:' + widget.id, msg, wNode)
} catch (err) {
if (err.type === 'warn') {
} else {
// when a widget is "closed" remove it from this Base Node's knowledge
widgetNode?.on('close', function (removed, done) {
if (removed) {
// widget has been removed from the Editor
// clear any data from datastore
node.deregister(null, null, widgetNode)
node.requestEmitConfig() // queue up a config emit to the UI
node.deregister = function (page, group, widgetNode) {
let changes = false
// remove widget from our UI config
if (widgetNode) {
const widget = node.ui.widgets.get(widgetNode.id)
if (widget.hooks?.onSocket) {
// We have some custom socketIO hooks to remove
// loop over SocketIO connections
for (const socket of Object.values(uiShared.connections)) {
// loop over events
for (const [eventName] of Object.entries(widget.hooks.onSocket)) {
// remove the listener for this event
if (widget._onSocketHandlers) {
socket.off(eventName, widget._onSocketHandlers[eventName])
changes = true
// if there are no more widgets on this group, remove the group from our UI config
if (group && [...node.ui.widgets].filter(w => w.props?.group === group.id).length === 0) {
changes = true
// if there are no more groups on this page, remove the page from our UI config
if (page && [...node.ui.groups].filter(g => g.page === page.id).length === 0) {
changes = true
if (changes) {
// Finally, queue up a config emit to the UI.
// NOTE: this is a cautionary measure only - typically the registration of nodes will queue up a config emit
// but in cases where the dashboard has no widgets registered, we still need to emit a config
RED.nodes.registerType('ui-base', UIBaseNode)