
40 lines
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export default TimeSeriesScale;
declare class TimeSeriesScale extends TimeScale {
/** @type {object[]} */
_table: object[];
/** @type {number} */
_minPos: number;
/** @type {number} */
_tableRange: number;
* @protected
protected initOffsets(): void;
* Returns an array of {time, pos} objects used to interpolate a specific `time` or position
* (`pos`) on the scale, by searching entries before and after the requested value. `pos` is
* a decimal between 0 and 1: 0 being the start of the scale (left or top) and 1 the other
* extremity (left + width or top + height). Note that it would be more optimized to directly
* store pre-computed pixels, but the scale dimensions are not guaranteed at the time we need
* to create the lookup table. The table ALWAYS contains at least two items: min and max.
* @param {number[]} timestamps
* @return {object[]}
* @protected
protected buildLookupTable(timestamps: number[]): object[];
* Generates all timestamps defined in the data.
* Important: this method can return ticks outside the min and max range, it's the
* responsibility of the calling code to clamp values if needed.
* @protected
protected _generate(): any;
* Returns all timestamps
* @return {number[]}
* @private
private _getTimestampsForTable;
import TimeScale from "./scale.time.js";