123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- {
- "ui_tab" : {
- "label" : {
- "home" : "Home",
- "tab" : "Tab",
- "name" : "Name",
- "icon" : "Icon",
- "state" : "State",
- "navmenu" : "Nav. Menu",
- "enabled" : "Enabled",
- "disabled" : "Disabled",
- "visible" : "Visible",
- "hidden" : "Hidden"
- },
- "info": {
- "disabled": " Tab is inactive in Dashboard.",
- "hidden": " Tab is not shown in Navigation Menu."
- },
- "tip" : "The <b>Icon</b> field can be either a <a href=\"https://klarsys.github.io/angular-material-icons/\" target=\"_blank\">Material Design icon</a> <i>(e.g. 'check', 'close')</i> or a <a href=\"https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/\" target=\"_blank\">Font Awesome icon</a> <i>(e.g. 'fa-fire')</i>, or a <a href=\"https://github.com/Paul-Reed/weather-icons-lite/blob/master/css_mappings.md\" target=\"_blank\">Weather icon</a> <i>(e.g. 'wi-wu-sunny')</i>.</p><p>You can use the full set of google material icons if you add 'mi-' to the icon name. e.g. 'mi-videogame_asset'.</p>"
- }
- }