Node-Red configuration
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

  1. {
  2. "name": "",
  3. "version": "4.2.1",
  4. "description": " protocol parser",
  5. "repository": {
  6. "type": "git",
  7. "url": ""
  8. },
  9. "files": [
  10. "build/"
  11. ],
  12. "main": "./build/cjs/index.js",
  13. "module": "./build/esm/index.js",
  14. "types": "./build/esm/index.d.ts",
  15. "exports": {
  16. "import": {
  17. "node": "./build/esm-debug/index.js",
  18. "default": "./build/esm/index.js"
  19. },
  20. "require": "./build/cjs/index.js"
  21. },
  22. "dependencies": {
  23. "": "~3.1.0",
  24. "debug": "~4.3.1"
  25. },
  26. "devDependencies": {
  27. "@babel/core": "~7.9.6",
  28. "@babel/preset-env": "~7.9.6",
  29. "@types/debug": "^4.1.5",
  30. "@types/node": "^14.11.1",
  31. "babelify": "~10.0.0",
  32. "benchmark": "2.1.2",
  33. "expect.js": "0.3.1",
  34. "mocha": "3.2.0",
  35. "prettier": "^2.1.2",
  36. "rimraf": "^3.0.2",
  37. "": "^1.0.0",
  38. "typescript": "^4.0.3",
  39. "zuul": "3.11.1",
  40. "zuul-ngrok": "4.0.0"
  41. },
  42. "scripts": {
  43. "compile": "rimraf ./build && tsc && tsc -p tsconfig.esm.json && ./",
  44. "test": "npm run format:check && npm run compile && if test \"$BROWSERS\" = \"1\" ; then npm run test:browser; else npm run test:node; fi",
  45. "test:node": "mocha --reporter dot --bail test/index.js",
  46. "test:browser": "zuul test/index.js --no-coverage",
  47. "format:fix": "prettier --write --parser typescript 'lib/**/*.ts' 'test/**/*.js'",
  48. "format:check": "prettier --check --parser typescript 'lib/**/*.ts' 'test/**/*.js'",
  49. "prepack": "npm run compile"
  50. },
  51. "license": "MIT",
  52. "engines": {
  53. "node": ">=10.0.0"
  54. }
  55. }