Node-Red configuration
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

ui_chart.json 1.7KB

  1. {
  2. "ui_chart": {
  3. "label": {
  4. "group": "Group",
  5. "size": "Size",
  6. "label": "Label",
  7. "optionalChartTitle": "optional chart title",
  8. "type": "Type",
  9. "lineChart": "  Line chart",
  10. "barChart": "  Bar chart",
  11. "barChartH": "  Bar chart (H)",
  12. "pieChart": "  Pie chart",
  13. "polarAreaChart": "  Polar area chart",
  14. "radarChart": "  Radar chart",
  15. "enlargePoints": "enlarge points",
  16. "xAxis": "X-axis",
  17. "last": "last",
  18. "seconds": "seconds",
  19. "minutes": "minutes",
  20. "hours": "hours",
  21. "days": "days",
  22. "weeks": "weeks",
  23. "or": "OR",
  24. "points": "points",
  25. "xAxisLabel": "X-axis Label",
  26. "HHmmss": "HH:mm:ss",
  27. "HHmm": "HH:mm",
  28. "yearMonthDate": "Year-Month-Date",
  29. "dateMonth": "Date/Month",
  30. "dayHHmm": "Day HH:mm",
  31. "custom": "custom",
  32. "automatic": "automatic",
  33. "asUTC": "as UTC",
  34. "yAxis": "Y-axis",
  35. "min": "min",
  36. "max": "max",
  37. "legend": "Legend",
  38. "none": "None",
  39. "show": "Show",
  40. "interpolate": "Interpolate",
  41. "linear": "linear",
  42. "step": "step",
  43. "bezier": "bezier",
  44. "cubic": "cubic",
  45. "cubicMono": "cubic-mono",
  46. "cutout": "Cutout",
  47. "useFirstColourForAllBars": "Use first colour for all bars",
  48. "seriesColours": "Series Colours",
  49. "blankLabel": "Blank label",
  50. "displayThisTextBeforeValidDataArrives": "display this text before valid data arrives",
  51. "useDifferentColor": "Use different colour for series data",
  52. "className": "Class",
  53. "classNamePlaceholder": "Optional CSS class name(s) for widget"
  54. }
  55. }
  56. }