Application which monitors a folder and sends each file via mail
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 375B

  1. # Folder to be monitored for new files
  2. TARGET_FOLDER = "/home/scan"
  3. # Recipiant for the files found in TARGET_PATH
  4. SEND_TO = ""
  5. # Sender
  6. SEND_FROM = "Scanner-Buchen <>"
  7. SMTP_SERVER = ""
  8. SMTP_USER = "smtp-sendmail"
  9. SMTP_PASSWORD = "----XXX----"
  10. # Possible log-levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
  11. LOG_LEVEL = "INFO"