####################################################################### # Configuration of your django application ####################################################################### # # Piki Setting # STARTPAGE = "startpage" # # Users library # # This enables or disables the self registration USERS_SELF_REGISTRATION = False # # Themes library # # This defines the default theme, if no theme is set in the django parameters DEFAULT_THEME = 'clear-teal' # # Django # # This defines the mode of the running server # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = False # This a the secret key for your application. # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with a dummy secret in production! And don't let others read this key! SECRET_KEY = None # This defines the listener hostnames for your django server # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with '' in in production, unless you know what you are doing! # ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['<YOUR_SERVER_HOSTNAME>', ] # This might be needed for usage in a docker environment # CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['<YOUR_SERVER_URL>', ]