Dirk Alders 0e7664e059 README instructions improved | 3 年前 | |
config_example | 3 年前 | |
data | 4 年前 | |
fstools @ ada1f74d4c | 4 年前 | |
geo @ f59b19ed1f | 4 年前 | |
main | 3 年前 | |
media @ 0a67ebeb48 | 4 年前 | |
mycreole @ dd0edc2d56 | 4 年前 | |
pygal @ 8420686223 | 4 年前 | |
stringtools @ d5f9931bca | 4 年前 | |
themes @ d3b38d9e7a | 4 年前 | |
users @ 8cf64464ba | 4 年前 | |
.gitignore | 4 年前 | |
.gitmodules | 4 年前 | |
.project | 4 年前 | |
.pydevproject | 4 年前 | |
LICENSE | 4 年前 | |
README.md | 3 年前 | |
activate | 4 年前 | |
manage.py | 4 年前 | |
readme.txt | 4 年前 | |
requirements.txt | 4 年前 |
Python Galery
cd ~/tmp
git clone https://git.mount-mockery.de/application/pygal.git
cd pygal
git submodule init
git submodule update
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
source activate
pip list -o --format freeze|cut -d '=' -f 1 | xargs pip install $1 --upgrade
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp config_example/config.py .
chmod 700 config.py
Edit config.py and add a SECRET_KEY. Generate the secret e.g by executing the following command:
python manage.py
At the End of the error message you’ll see a random secret:
KeyError: “You need to create a config.py file including at least a SECRET_KEY definition (e.g.: --> ‘HERE IS THE RANDOM SECRET ;-)’ <--).”
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
Now there are two ways to finalise your configuration. The first way is for a test or development system. The other is for a production System.
Test or development System: Edit config.py and set the Variable DEBUG to True.
Production System: Edit config.py and set the Variable ALLOWED_HOSTS. Execute “python manage.py collectstatic” to create a folder including all static files. Then add PaTT to your server configuration. See also Django Documnetation for further information.
cd ~/tmp/pygal
source activate
python manage.py runserver