1. Setupt venev
* virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 pygal-venv
* ln -s pygal-venv/bin/activate
* source activate
* Sometimes upgrades are needed: pip list --outdated | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs pip install $1 --upgrade
* pip install -r requirements.txt
2. python manage.py migrate
3. python manage.py createsuperuser
4. Set SECRET:KEY in config.py
5. Set ITEM_ROOT in config.py to your item target path, otherwise the example_data is used
6. python manage.py collectstatic
7. chgrp www-data . && chmod 770 .
8. chgrp www-data db.sqlite3 && chmod 664 db.sqlite3
9. chgrp www-data -R data
9.1. find data -type d -exec chmod 775 "{}" \;
9.2. find data -type f -exec chmod 664 "{}" \;
x. Run server by command "python manage.py runserver" or add App to apache