wether station gui client
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config.py 1.3KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  3. import report
  4. FULL_SCREEN = False
  5. # TCP-Server
  6. #
  7. server_out_secret = None # or set a secret to require client authentification: b'give_a_secret_string_here'
  8. server_out_ip = ''
  9. server_out_port = 37000
  10. server_in_secret = None # or set a secret to require client authentification: b'give_a_secret_string_here'
  11. server_in_ip = ''
  12. server_in_port = 37000
  13. server_garage_secret = None # or set a secret to require client authentification: b'give_a_secret_string_here'
  14. server_garage_ip = ''
  15. server_garage_port = 10000
  16. # Logging
  17. #
  18. LOGTARGET = 'stdout' # possible choices are: 'logfile' or 'stdout'
  19. SHORT_FMT = "%(asctime)s: %(levelname)-7s - %(message)s"
  20. """ A short formatter including the most important information"""
  21. LONG_FMT = """~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  22. File "%(pathname)s", line %(lineno)d, in %(funcName)s
  23. %(asctime)s: %(levelname)-7s - %(message)s"""
  24. """ A long formatter which results in links to the source code inside Eclipse"""
  25. # Logging
  26. #
  27. APP_NAME = 'smarthome'
  28. LOGTARGET = 'stdout' # possible choices are: 'logfile' or 'stdout'
  29. LOGHOST = 'localhost'
  30. LOGPORT = 19996
  31. formatter = report.LONG_FMT