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präsentation.tex 3.3KB

  1. \documentclass{beamer}
  2. %\documentclass[handout]{beamer}
  3. %%% Deutsche Beschriftungen
  4. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  5. \usepackage{german}
  6. \definecolor{links}{HTML}{2A1B81}
  7. \hypersetup{colorlinks,linkcolor=,urlcolor=links}
  8. \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow}
  9. %\usepackage{my_style/beamertheme}
  10. \beamersetuncovermixins{\opaqueness<1>{25}}{\opaqueness<2->{15}}
  11. \usepackage{multicol}
  12. \begin{document}
  13. \title{Präsentationstitel}
  14. \author{Vorname Nachname}
  15. \date{\today}
  16. \frame{\titlepage}
  17. \frame{\frametitle{Table of contents}\tableofcontents}
  18. \section{Section no.1}
  19. \frame{\frametitle{Title}
  20. Each frame should have a title.
  21. }
  22. \subsection{Subsection no.1.1 }
  23. \frame{
  24. Without title somethink is missing.
  25. }
  26. \section{Section no. 2}
  27. \subsection{Lists I}
  28. \frame{\frametitle{unnumbered lists}
  29. \begin{itemize}
  30. \item Introduction to \LaTeX
  31. \item Course 2
  32. \item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX
  33. \item Beamer class
  34. \end{itemize}
  35. }
  36. \frame{\frametitle{lists with pause}
  37. \begin{itemize}
  38. \item Introduction to \LaTeX \pause
  39. \item Course 2 \pause
  40. \item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX \pause
  41. \item Beamer class
  42. \end{itemize}
  43. }
  44. \subsection{Lists II}
  45. \frame{\frametitle{numbered lists}
  46. \begin{enumerate}
  47. \item Introduction to \LaTeX
  48. \item Course 2
  49. \item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX
  50. \item Beamer class
  51. \end{enumerate}
  52. }
  53. \frame{\frametitle{numbered lists with pause}
  54. \begin{enumerate}
  55. \item Introduction to \LaTeX \pause
  56. \item Course 2 \pause
  57. \item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX \pause
  58. \item Beamer class
  59. \end{enumerate}
  60. }
  61. \section{Section no.3}
  62. \subsection{Tables}
  63. \frame{\frametitle{Tables}
  64. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}
  65. \hline
  66. \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Instructor} & \textbf{Title} \\
  67. \hline
  68. WS 04/05 & Sascha Frank & First steps with \LaTeX \\
  69. \hline
  70. SS 05 & Sascha Frank & \LaTeX \ Course serial \\
  71. \hline
  72. \end{tabular}}
  73. \frame{\frametitle{Tables with pause}
  74. \begin{tabular}{c c c}
  75. A & B & C \\
  76. \pause
  77. 1 & 2 & 3 \\
  78. \pause
  79. A & B & C \\
  80. \end{tabular} }
  81. \section{Section no. 4}
  82. \subsection{blocs}
  83. \frame{\frametitle{blocs}
  84. \begin{block}{title of the bloc}
  85. bloc text
  86. \end{block}
  87. \begin{exampleblock}{title of the bloc}
  88. bloc text
  89. \end{exampleblock}
  90. \begin{alertblock}{title of the bloc}
  91. bloc text
  92. \end{alertblock}
  93. }
  94. \section{Section no. 5}
  95. \subsection{split screen}
  96. \frame{\frametitle{splitting screen}
  97. \begin{columns}
  98. \begin{column}{5cm}
  99. \begin{itemize}
  100. \item Beamer
  101. \item Beamer Class
  102. \item Beamer Class Latex
  103. \end{itemize}
  104. \end{column}
  105. \begin{column}{5cm}
  106. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
  107. \hline
  108. \textbf{Instructor} & \textbf{Title} \\
  109. \hline
  110. Sascha Frank & \LaTeX \ Course 1 \\
  111. \hline
  112. Sascha Frank & Course serial \\
  113. \hline
  114. \end{tabular}
  115. \end{column}
  116. \end{columns}
  117. }
  118. \subsection{Pictures}
  119. \frame{\frametitle{pictures in latex beamer class}
  120. \begin{figure}
  121. \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{PIC1}
  122. \caption{show an example picture}
  123. \end{figure}}
  124. \subsection{joining picture and lists}
  125. \frame{
  126. \frametitle{pictures and lists in beamer class}
  127. \begin{columns}
  128. \begin{column}{5cm}
  129. \begin{itemize}
  130. \item<1-> subject 1
  131. \item<3-> subject 2
  132. \item<5-> subject 3
  133. \end{itemize}
  134. \vspace{3cm}
  135. \end{column}
  136. \begin{column}{5cm}
  137. \begin{overprint}
  138. \includegraphics<2>{PIC1}
  139. \includegraphics<4>{PIC2}
  140. \includegraphics<6>{PIC3}
  141. \end{overprint}
  142. \end{column}
  143. \end{columns}}
  144. \end{document}