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- # ---> VirtualEnv
- # Virtualenv
- # http://iamzed.com/2009/05/07/a-primer-on-virtualenv/
- .Python
- [Bb]in
- [Ii]nclude
- [Ll]ib
- [Ll]ib64
- [Ll]ocal
- [Ss]cripts
- pyvenv.cfg
- .venv
- pip-selfcheck.json
- # ---> Backup
- *.bak
- *.gho
- *.ori
- *.orig
- *.tmp
- # ---> Linux
- *~
- # temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
- .fuse_hidden*
- # KDE directory preferences
- .directory
- # Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
- .Trash-*
- # .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
- .nfs*