from import BaseCommand import fstools import json from pygal.models import is_valid_area, Item from ._private import KEY_USERDATA_VERSION from ._private import KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE from ._private import KEY_USERDATA_TAGS from ._private import KEY_USERDATA_UPLOAD KEY_REL_PATH = '_rel_path_' KEY_FAVOURITE = '_favourite_of_' KEY_TAG = '_tags_' KEY_UPLOAD = '_upload_' class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Convert userdata from old pygal to JSON-Format.' def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('folder', nargs='+', type=str) def handle(self, *args, **options): data = {} data[KEY_USERDATA_VERSION] = 1 path = options['folder'][0] for f in fstools.filelist(path, '*.json'): with open(f, 'r') as fh: o = json.load(fh) _rel_path_ = o.get(KEY_REL_PATH) _favourite_of_ = o.get(KEY_FAVOURITE) _tags_ = o.get(KEY_TAG) _upload_ = o.get(KEY_UPLOAD) if _rel_path_: try: i = Item.objects.get(rel_path=_rel_path_) except Item.DoesNotExist: self.stderr.write('%s does not exist. No data taken over!' % _rel_path_)) else: if _favourite_of_: for username in _favourite_of_: if KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE not in data: data[KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE] = {} if username not in data[KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE]: data[KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE][username] = [] data[KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE][username].append(_rel_path_) if len(_tags_): new_tags = [] for t in _tags_: new_tag = {} new_tag['text'] = _tags_[t].get('tag') # x = _tags_[t].get('x') y = _tags_[t].get('y') w = _tags_[t].get('w') h = _tags_[t].get('h') if x is not None and y is not None and w is not None and h is not None: width = i.item_data.width height = i.item_data.height x1 = int(x * width) y1 = int(y * height) x2 = x1 + int(w * width) y2 = y1 + int(h * height) if is_valid_area(x1, y1, x2, y2): new_tag['topleft_x'] = x1 new_tag['topleft_y'] = y1 new_tag['bottomright_x'] = x2 new_tag['bottomright_y'] = y2 new_tags.append(new_tag) else: self.stderr.write('Coordinates are not valid for %s. Not transferred!' % _rel_path_)) else: new_tags.append(new_tag) if len(new_tags) > 0: if KEY_USERDATA_TAGS not in data: data[KEY_USERDATA_TAGS] = {} data[KEY_USERDATA_TAGS][_rel_path_] = new_tags if len(_upload_): if KEY_USERDATA_UPLOAD not in data: data[KEY_USERDATA_UPLOAD] = {} data[KEY_USERDATA_UPLOAD][_rel_path_] = _upload_ self.stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))