from django.contrib.auth.models import User from import BaseCommand import json from pygal.models import Item, Tag, TagExist from themes.models import GetSettings, SettingExist, BottomBar, BottomBarExist import os from ._private import KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE from ._private import KEY_USERDATA_TAGS from ._private import KEY_USER_PROFILE from ._private import KEY_THEME_SETTINGS from ._private import KEY_THEME_BOTTOMBAR from users.models import UserProfile, UserprofilerExist from import KEY_ACCESS_DATA class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Import userdata from a JSON-File.' def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('filename(s)', nargs='+', type=str) def error_skipped_file(self, path, reason): self.stderr.write(' Skipped file %s caused by an error (%s) !' % (path, reason)) def handle(self, *args, **options): for fn in options['filename(s)']: fn = os.path.abspath(fn) self.stdout.write('Parsing %s:' % fn) try: with open(fn, 'r') as fh: data = json.load(fh) except PermissionError: self.error_skipped_file(fn, 'file permission') except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: self.error_skipped_file(fn, 'json decoding') except FileNotFoundError: self.error_skipped_file(fn, 'file not found') else: for section in data: self.stdout.write(' Importing "%s":' % section) cnt_all_datasets = 0 cnt_success = 0 cnt_already_exist = 0 cnt_user_missing = 0 missing_users = [] cnt_item_missing = 0 # # Access # if section == KEY_ACCESS_DATA: for username in data[section]: if username == '': # public_access for rel_path in data[section][username]: cnt_all_datasets += 1 try: item = Item.objects.get(rel_path=rel_path) except User.DoesNotExist: cnt_item_missing += 1 else: if item.public_access: cnt_already_exist += 1 else: item.public_access = True cnt_success += 1 else: try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: user = None # read_access for rel_path in data[section][username]['read_access']: cnt_all_datasets += 1 if user is None: cnt_user_missing += 1 if username not in missing_users: missing_users.append(username) else: try: item = Item.objects.get(rel_path=rel_path) except User.DoesNotExist: cnt_item_missing += 1 else: if user in item.read_access.all(): cnt_already_exist += 1 else: item.read_access.add(user) cnt_success += 1 # modify_access for rel_path in data[section][username]['modify_access']: cnt_all_datasets += 1 if user is None: cnt_user_missing += 1 if username not in missing_users: missing_users.append(username) else: try: item = Item.objects.get(rel_path=rel_path) except User.DoesNotExist: cnt_item_missing += 1 else: if user in item.modify_access.all(): cnt_already_exist += 1 else: item.modify_access.add(user) cnt_success += 1 # # Favourites # elif section == KEY_USERDATA_FAVOURITE: for username in data[section]: try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: user = None for rel_path in data[section][username]: cnt_all_datasets += 1 if user is None: cnt_user_missing += 1 if username not in missing_users: missing_users.append(username) try: i = Item.objects.get(rel_path=rel_path) except Item.DoesNotExist: cnt_item_missing += 1 else: if user in i.favourite_of.all(): cnt_already_exist += 1 elif user is not None: cnt_success += 1 i.favourite_of.add(user) # # Tags # elif section == KEY_USERDATA_TAGS: for rel_path in data[section]: cnt_all_datasets += len(data[section][rel_path]) try: i = Item.objects.get(rel_path=rel_path) except Item.DoesNotExist: cnt_item_missing += len(data[section][rel_path]) else: for tag_data in data[section][rel_path]: if TagExist(i, tag_data): cnt_already_exist += 1 else: tag_data['item'] = i Tag(**tag_data).save() cnt_success += 1 # # Settings # elif section == KEY_THEME_SETTINGS: cnt_all_datasets = 1 if SettingExist(data[section]): cnt_already_exist += 1 else: s = GetSettings() s.import_data(data[section]) cnt_success += 1 # # Bottombar # elif section == KEY_THEME_BOTTOMBAR: cnt_all_datasets = len(data[section]) for bb_entry_import in data[section]: if BottomBarExist(bb_entry_import): cnt_already_exist += 1 else: bb_entry = BottomBar() bb_entry.import_data(bb_entry_import) cnt_success += 1 # # Userprofile # elif section == KEY_USER_PROFILE: cnt_all_datasets = len(data[section]) for username in data[section]: if UserprofilerExist(username, data[section][username]): cnt_already_exist += 1 else: try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: cnt_user_missing += 1 missing_users.append(username) else: profile = UserProfile(user=user) profile.import_data(data[section][username]) cnt_success += 1 else: self.stdout.write(' Section unknown!')) # # REPORT # if cnt_all_datasets > 0: if (cnt_success + cnt_already_exist) < cnt_all_datasets: style = self.stdout.write(style(' NOT all data imported.')) else: style = self.stdout.write(style(' All data imported.')) self.stdout.write(style(' %5d %s(s) successfully added.' % (cnt_success, section))) self.stdout.write(style(' %5d %s(s) already set correctly.' % (cnt_already_exist, section))) if cnt_user_missing > 0: self.stdout.write(' %5d %s(s) not added, because the target user(s) %s do(es) not exist.' % (cnt_user_missing, section, repr(missing_users)))) if cnt_item_missing > 0: self.stdout.write(' %5d %s(s) not added, because the target item does not exist. Try python rebuild_cache to create items, if you import to a scratch database.' % (cnt_item_missing, section)))