Django Library Themes
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

menubar.html 1.6KB

  1. <div class="menubar{% if slim %} menubar-slim{%endif %}{% if bottom %} bottombar{% endif %}"{% if abar %} id="actionbar"{% endif %}>
  2. {% for entry in bar.entries %}
  3. {% if entry.is_dropdownmenu %}
  4. <div class="dropdown{% if %} active_menu{% endif %}{% if slim %} dropdown-slim{% endif %}" {% if not entry.left %}style="float:right"{% endif %}>
  5. <button class="dropbtn{% if slim %} dropbtn-slim{% endif %}" id="{{ entry.uid }}">{% if entry.icon %}<span><img src="{{ entry.icon|safe }}" alt="{{ entry.uid }}"></span> {% endif %}{% if not reduced %}<span class="{% if bottom == True %}bottom_{% endif %}{% if abar == True %}action_{% endif %}menu_hide">{{ }}</span>{% endif %}</button>
  6. <div class="dropdown-content{% if abar == True %} sticky-submenu{% endif %}" id="{{ entry.uid }}-content">
  7. {% for dd in entry %}
  8. <a {% if dd.url %}href="{{ dd.url|safe }}"{% endif %}{% if}class="active_menu"{% endif%}>{% if dd.icon %}<img src="{{ dd.icon|safe }}" alt="{{ }}"> {% endif %}{{ }}</a>
  9. {% endfor %}
  10. </div>
  11. </div>
  12. {% else %}
  13. <a {% if entry.url %}href="{{entry.url|safe}}"{% endif %} {% if not entry.left %}style="float:right"{% endif %}{% if}class="active_menu"{% endif%}>{% if entry.icon %}<span><img src="{{ entry.icon|safe }}" alt="{{ entry.uid }}"></span> {% endif %}{% if not reduced %}<span class="{% if bottom == True %}bottom_{% endif %}{% if abar == True %}action_{% endif %}menu_hide">{{ }}</span>{% endif %}</a>
  14. {% endif %}
  15. {% endfor %}
  16. </div>