Django Library Themes
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
Dirk Alders b7673fa827 recover icon added for all themes 1 个月前
locale/de/LC_MESSAGES Initial themes implementation 5 年前
migrations missing migration 2 个月前
static/themes recover icon added for all themes 1 个月前
templates/themes 4th theme renamed 2 个月前
.gitignore Initial commit 5 年前
LICENSE Initial commit 5 年前 Documentation added 2 个月前 4th theme renamed 2 个月前 Initial themes implementation 5 年前 Initial themes implementation 5 年前 Import and Export for Models added 4 年前 BugFix: BottomBar File delete if no file exists 3 年前 Initial themes implementation 5 年前 Initial themes implementation 5 年前


With the django library themes, you are able to include a theme to your django app. It includes an menu-, navigation-, action- and bottombar.



You need to ensure that Pillow is available in your python environment.


Clone the library in your django application.

Configurations in your

Add the following line to the list INSTALLED_APPS:


Configurations in your

Add the following imports at the top of,

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

the following line to the list urlpatterns:

    path('search/', <your-app>, name='search'),

and add this lines at the very end (after the definition of urlpatterns:

if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

Create a view for the search

Add a view to your

def search(request):
    logger.arning("Search not yet implemented...")
    return HttpResponse("Search not implemented...")


Replace the STATIC_URL definition in your with the following lines:

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data', 'static')
STATIC_URL = 'static/'

MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data', 'media')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

Collect static

Before the static data is available, you need to execute the command

## Usage
### Add a template
Before we can use the theme, we need to create a template. Here we use the file ```<your-app>/templates/app/page.html``` with the following contenet:

{% extends “themes/”|add:settings.page_theme|add:“/base.html” %}

{% block content %} {{ page_content|safe }} {% endblock content %}

In the block content is your content, which will be passed to the template by the variable ```page_content```.

### Use the template in your view
Now you need to adapt your view. Here is an example view using the theme.

from django.shortcuts import render from django.conf import settings

from themes import Context

def example(request, rel_path=“):

context = Context(request)      # needs to be executed first because of time mesurement
return render(request, 'app/page.html', context=context)

### Upload the logo
If you havn't created a user yet, you should do so with ```python createsuperuser ```.

Visit and login with that user. Klick on *Settings* in the *Themes* section and then on the *Settings object (1)*.

Upload a logo with the Upload mechanism of *Page image:* and click *Save*.

### Create a context adaption
From this point on, you can see a blank themed page. With the adaption of the context variable, you are able to define the content of the 3 bars on the top and the page_content itself. The bottom bar will be defined in the django administration page (THEMES->Bottom bars->ADD BOTTOM BAR).

You need to adapt your view method. Add this between the context definition and the return statement:
    title="Additional title",
    page_content=f"<h1> Dummy page</h1>The rel_path is {rel_path}",

Here as an example ``````:

import inspect import logging

from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from themes import empty_entry_parameters from themes import gray_icon_url from themes import color_icon_url

logger = logging.getLogger(settings.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(name)

BACK_UID = “back” EDIT_UID = “edit” LOGIN_UID = “login”

def context_adaption(context, request, **kwargs):

caller_name = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name
logger.debug("The caller of context_adaption was %s", caller_name)
except KeyError:
    pass    # no title in kwargs
menubar(context, request, caller_name, **kwargs)
navigationbar(context, request, caller_name, **kwargs)
actionbar(context, request, caller_name, **kwargs)
for key in kwargs:
    context[key] = kwargs[key]
logger.debug("context adapted: %s", repr(context))

def menubar(context, request, caller_name, **kwargs):

bar = context[context.MENUBAR]
    LOGIN_UID,                                          # uid
    _('Settings'),                                      # name
    color_icon_url(request, 'settings.png'),            # icon
    '/app/dummy/settings/page',                         # url
    False,                                              # left
    kwargs.get("rel_path") == "dummy/settings/page"     # active
finalise_bar(request, bar)  # Show bar, if empty

def navigationbar(context, request, caller_name, **kwargs):

bar = context[context.NAVIGATIONBAR]
    BACK_UID,                                           # uid
    _('Back'),                                          # name
    gray_icon_url(request, 'back.png'),                 # icon
    'javascript:history.back()',                        # url
    True,                                               # left
    False                                               # active
finalise_bar(request, bar)  # Show bar, if empty

def actionbar(context, request, caller_name, **kwargs):

bar = context[context.ACTIONBAR]
    EDIT_UID,                                           # uid
    _('Edit'),                                          # name
    color_icon_url(request, 'edit.png'),                # icon
    '/app/dummy/edit/page',                             # url
    True,                                               # left
    kwargs.get("rel_path") == "dummy/edit/page"         # active
finalise_bar(request, bar)  # Show bar, if empty

def finalise_bar(request, bar):

if len(bar) == 0:
