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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
caching (Caching Module)
* Dirk Alders <>
This Module supports functions and classes for caching e.g. properties of other instances.
* :class:`caching.property_cache_json`
* :class:`caching.property_cache_pickle`
See also the :download:`unittest <caching/_testresults_/unittest.pdf>` documentation.
import json
import logging
import os
import pickle
import sys
import time
from config import APP_NAME as ROOT_LOGGER_NAME
except ImportError:
logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(__name__)
__DESCRIPTION__ = """The Module {\\tt %s} is designed to store information in {\\tt json} or {\\tt pickle} files to support them much faster then generating them from the original source file.
For more Information read the documentation.""" % __name__.replace('_', '\_')
"""The Module Description"""
__INTERPRETER__ = (3, )
"""The Tested Interpreter-Versions"""
class property_cache_pickle(object):
Class to cache properties, which take longer on initialising than reading a file in pickle format.
:param source_instance: The source instance holding the data
:type source_instance: instance
:param cache_filename: File name, where the properties are stored as cache
:type cache_filename: str
:param load_all_on_init: Optionally init behaviour control parameter. True will load all available properties from source on init, False not.
.. note:: source_instance needs to have at least the following methods: uid(), keys(), data_version(), get()
* uid(): returns the unique id of the source.
* keys(): returns a list of all available keys.
* data_version(): returns a version number of the current data (it should be increased, if the get method of the source instance returns improved values or the data structure had been changed).
* get(key, default): returns the property for a key. If key does not exists, default will be returned.
Reasons for updating the complete data set:
* UID of source_instance has changed (in comparison to the cached value).
* data_version is increased
.. literalinclude:: caching/_examples_/
Will result on the first execution to the following output (with a long execution time):
.. literalinclude:: caching/_examples_/property_cache_pickle_1.log
With every following execution (slow for getting "two" which is not cached - see implementation):
.. literalinclude:: caching/_examples_/property_cache_pickle_2.log
LOG_PREFIX = 'PickCache:'
DATA_VERSION_TAG = '_property_cache_data_version_'
STORAGE_VERSION_TAG = '_storage_version_'
UID_TAG = '_property_cache_uid_'
DATA_TAG = '_data_'
AGE_TAG = '_age_'
def __init__(self, source_instance, cache_filename, load_all_on_init=False, callback_on_data_storage=None, max_age=None, store_none_value=False):
self._source_instance = source_instance
self._cache_filename = cache_filename
self._load_all_on_init = load_all_on_init
self._callback_on_data_storage = callback_on_data_storage
self._max_age = max_age
self._store_none_value = store_none_value
self._cached_props = None
def get(self, key, default=None):
Method to get the cached property. If key does not exists in cache, the property will be loaded from source_instance and stored in cache (file).
:param key: key for value to get.
:param default: value to be returned, if key does not exists.
:returns: value for a given key or default value.
if key in self.keys():
if self._cached_props is None:
if self._max_age is None:
cache_old = False
cache_old = time.time() - self._cached_props[self.AGE_TAG].get(self._key_filter(key), 0) > self._max_age
if cache_old:
logger.debug("The cached value is old, cached value will be ignored")
if self._key_filter(key) not in self._cached_props[self.DATA_TAG] or cache_old:
val = self._source_instance.get(key, None)
logger.debug("%s Loading property for '%s' from source instance (%s)", self.LOG_PREFIX, key, repr(val))
if val or self._store_none_value:
tm = int(time.time())
logger.debug("Storing value=%s with timestamp=%d to chache", val, tm)
self._cached_props[self.DATA_TAG][self._key_filter(key)] = val
self._cached_props[self.AGE_TAG][self._key_filter(key)] = tm
return val
logger.debug("%s Providing property for '%s' from cache (%s)", self.LOG_PREFIX,
key, repr(self._cached_props[self.DATA_TAG].get(self._key_filter(key), default)))
return self._cached_props[self.DATA_TAG].get(self._key_filter(key), default)
else:"%s Key '%s' is not in cached_keys. Uncached data will be returned.", self.LOG_PREFIX, key)
return self._source_instance.get(key, default)
def keys(self):
Method to get the available keys (from :data:`source_instance`).
return self._source_instance.keys()
def _data_version(self):
if self._cached_props is None:
return None
return self._cached_props.get(self.DATA_VERSION_TAG, None)
def _storage_version(self):
if self._cached_props is None:
return None
return self._cached_props.get(self.STORAGE_VERSION_TAG, None)
def _init_cache(self):
load_cache = self._load_cache()
uid = self._source_instance.uid() != self._uid()
data_version = self._source_instance.data_version() > self._data_version()
except TypeError:
data_version = True
storage_version = self._storage_version() != self.STORAGE_VERSION
except TypeError:
storage_version = True
if not load_cache or uid or data_version or storage_version:
if self._uid() is not None and uid:
logger.debug("%s Source uid changed, ignoring previous cache data", self.LOG_PREFIX)
if self._data_version() is not None and data_version:
logger.debug("%s Data version increased, ignoring previous cache data", self.LOG_PREFIX)
if storage_version:
logger.debug("%s Storage version changed, ignoring previous cache data", self.LOG_PREFIX)
self._cached_props = {self.AGE_TAG: {}, self.DATA_TAG: {}}
if self._load_all_on_init:
self._cached_props[self.UID_TAG] = self._source_instance.uid()
self._cached_props[self.DATA_VERSION_TAG] = self._source_instance.data_version()
self._cached_props[self.STORAGE_VERSION_TAG] = self.STORAGE_VERSION
def _load_cache(self):
if os.path.exists(self._cache_filename):
with open(self._cache_filename, 'rb') as fh:
self._cached_props = pickle.load(fh)'%s Loading properties from cache (%s)', self.LOG_PREFIX, self._cache_filename)
return True
logger.debug('%s Cache file does not exists (yet).', self.LOG_PREFIX)
return False
def _key_filter(self, key):
return key
def _load_source(self):
logger.debug('%s Loading all data from source - %s', self.LOG_PREFIX, repr(self._source_instance.keys()))
for key in self._source_instance.keys():
val = self._source_instance.get(key)
self._cached_props[self.DATA_TAG][self._key_filter(key)] = val
self._cached_props[self.AGE_TAG][self._key_filter(key)] = int(time.time())
def _save_cache(self):
with open(self._cache_filename, 'wb') as fh:
pickle.dump(self._cached_props, fh)'%s cache-file stored (%s)', self.LOG_PREFIX, self._cache_filename)
if self._callback_on_data_storage is not None:
def _uid(self):
if self._cached_props is None:
return None
return self._cached_props.get(self.UID_TAG, None)
class property_cache_json(property_cache_pickle):
Class to cache properties, which take longer on initialising than reading a file in json format. See also parent :py:class:`property_cache_pickle`
:param source_instance: The source instance holding the data
:type source_instance: instance
:param cache_filename: File name, where the properties are stored as cache
:type cache_filename: str
:param load_all_on_init: Optionally init behaviour control parameter. True will load all available properties from source on init, False not.
.. warning::
* This class uses json. You should **only** use keys of type string!
* Unicode types are transfered to strings
.. note:: source_instance needs to have at least the following methods: uid(), keys(), data_version(), get()
* uid(): returns the unique id of the source.
* keys(): returns a list of all available keys.
* data_version(): returns a version number of the current data (it should be increased, if the get method of the source instance returns improved values or the data structure had been changed).
* get(key, default): returns the property for a key. If key does not exists, default will be returned.
Reasons for updating the complete data set:
* UID of source_instance has changed (in comparison to the cached value).
* data_version is increased
.. literalinclude:: caching/_examples_/
Will result on the first execution to the following output (with a long execution time):
.. literalinclude:: caching/_examples_/property_cache_json_1.log
With every following execution (slow for getting "two" which is not cached - see implementation):
.. literalinclude:: caching/_examples_/property_cache_json_2.log
LOG_PREFIX = 'JsonCache:'
def _load_cache(self):
if os.path.exists(self._cache_filename):
with open(self._cache_filename, 'r') as fh:
self._cached_props = json.load(fh)'%s Loading properties from cache (%s)', self.LOG_PREFIX, self._cache_filename)
return True
logger.debug('%s Cache file does not exists (yet).', self.LOG_PREFIX)
return False
def _save_cache(self):
with open(self._cache_filename, 'w') as fh:
json.dump(self._cached_props, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=4)'%s cache-file stored (%s)', self.LOG_PREFIX, self._cache_filename)
if self._callback_on_data_storage is not None: