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media filename.", "Fitcriterion": "", "Heading": "Method to get Metadata", "ID": "REQ-1", "ReasonForImplementation": "", "last_change": "2020-01-30T20:33:27.982+01:00", "system_type_uid": "_MR7eNHYYEem_kd-7nxt1sg", "system_uid": "_XzMFcHYZEem_kd-7nxt1sg", "xml_tag": "{http://www.omg.org/spec/ReqIF/20110401/reqif.xsd}SPEC-OBJECT" } }, "titel": "Title", "uid_list_sorted": [ "_MR7eOHYYEem_kd-7nxt1sg", "_XzMFcHYZEem_kd-7nxt1sg" ] }, "system_information": { "Architecture": "64bit", "Distribution": "LinuxMint 19.3 tricia", "Hostname": "ahorn", "Kernel": "5.3.0-28-generic (#30~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 06:14:09 UTC 2020)", "Machine": "x86_64", "Path": "/user_data/data/dirk/prj/unittest/media/unittest", "System": "Linux", "Username": "dirk" }, "testobject_information": { "Dependencies": [], "Description": "The Module {\\tt media} is designed to help on all issues with media files, like tags (e.g. exif, id3) and transformations.\nFor more Information read the documentation.", "Name": "media", "State": "Released", "Supported Interpreters": "python3", "Version": "4111f284029e0f53b0411b6897f59d2b" }, "testrun_list": [ { "heading_dict": { "_MR7eOHYYEem_kd-7nxt1sg": "Metadata", "_XzMFcHYZEem_kd-7nxt1sg": "Method to get Metadata" }, "interpreter": "python 3.6.9 (final)", "name": "Default Testsession name", "number_of_failed_tests": 0, "number_of_possibly_failed_tests": 0, "number_of_successfull_tests": 1, "number_of_tests": 1, "testcase_execution_level": 90, "testcase_names": { "0": "Single Test", "10": "Smoke Test (Minumum subset)", "50": "Short Test (Subset)", "90": "Full Test (all defined tests)" }, "testcases": { "_XzMFcHYZEem_kd-7nxt1sg": { "args": null, "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,049", "created": 1580454617.0494206, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "__init__.py", "funcName": "testrun", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 20, "message": "_XzMFcHYZEem_kd-7nxt1sg", "module": "__init__", "moduleLogger": [], "msecs": 49.42059516906738, "msg": "_XzMFcHYZEem_kd-7nxt1sg", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "/user_data/data/dirk/prj/unittest/media/unittest/src/tests/__init__.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 57.75260925292969, "stack_info": null, "testcaseLogger": [ { "args": [ "None", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,049", "created": 1580454617.0499136, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for unknown.txt is correct (Content None and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "/user_data/data/dirk/prj/unittest/media/unittest/input_data/unknown.txt" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,049", "created": 1580454617.0495975, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "__init__.py", "funcName": "get_media_data", "levelname": "WARNING", "levelno": 30, "lineno": 50, "message": "Filetype not known: /user_data/data/dirk/prj/unittest/media/unittest/input_data/unknown.txt", "module": "__init__", "msecs": 49.59750175476074, "msg": "Filetype not known: %s", "name": "MEDIA", "pathname": "src/media/__init__.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 57.92951583862305, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for unknown.txt", "None", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,049", "created": 1580454617.0498288, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for unknown.txt): None ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 49.82876777648926, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 58.16078186035156, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for unknown.txt", "None", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,049", "created": 1580454617.0498722, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for unknown.txt): result = None ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 49.87215995788574, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 58.20417404174805, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 49.913644790649414, "msg": "Media data for unknown.txt is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 58.24565887451172, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", 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1451606398, 'tm_is_subst': True }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,124", "created": 1580454617.1244764, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for audio.mp3): { 'duration': 236.094694, 'bitrate': 290743, 'artist': 'Kaleo', 'title': 'No Good', 'album': 'A/B', 'track': 1, 'genre': 'Rock', 'year': 2016, 'size': 8580366, 'time': 1451606398, 'tm_is_subst': True } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 124.47643280029297, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 132.80844688415527, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for audio.mp3", "{ 'duration': 236.094694, 'bitrate': 290743, 'artist': 'Kaleo', 'title': 'No Good', 'album': 'A/B', 'track': 1, 'genre': 'Rock', 'year': 2016, 'time': 1451606398, 'tm_is_subst': True, 'size': 8580366 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,124", "created": 1580454617.124694, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for audio.mp3): result = { 'duration': 236.094694, 'bitrate': 290743, 'artist': 'Kaleo', 'title': 'No Good', 'album': 'A/B', 'track': 1, 'genre': 'Rock', 'year': 2016, 'time': 1451606398, 'tm_is_subst': True, 'size': 8580366 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 124.6941089630127, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 133.026123046875, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 124.81498718261719, "msg": "Media data for audio.mp3 is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 133.1470012664795, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 0.00012087821960449219 }, { "args": [ "{'duration': 281.991837, 'bitrate': 228298, 'title': 'Video Games (Album Version Remastered)', 'artist': 'Lana Del Rey', 'album': 'Born To Die', 'genre': 'Pop', 'track': 4, 'year': 2012, 'size': 8047290, 'time': 1325375995, 'tm_is_subst': True}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,195", "created": 1580454617.1954708, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for audio_fail_conv.mp3 is correct (Content {'duration': 281.991837, 'bitrate': 228298, 'title': 'Video Games (Album Version Remastered)', 'artist': 'Lana Del Rey', 'album': 'Born To Die', 'genre': 'Pop', 'track': 4, 'year': 2012, 'size': 8047290, 'time': 1325375995, 'tm_is_subst': True} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "'N/A'", "bitrate", "bitrate" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,194", "created": 1580454617.1948514, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "metadata.py", "funcName": "__get_xxprobe_data__", "levelname": "WARNING", "levelno": 30, "lineno": 143, "message": "Can't convert 'N/A' (bitrate) for bitrate", "module": "metadata", "msecs": 194.85139846801758, "msg": "Can't convert %s (%s) for %s", "name": "MEDIA", "pathname": "src/media/metadata.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 203.18341255187988, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for audio_fail_conv.mp3", "{ 'duration': 281.991837, 'bitrate': 228298, 'title': 'Video Games (Album Version Remastered)', 'artist': 'Lana Del Rey', 'album': 'Born To Die', 'genre': 'Pop', 'track': 4, 'year': 2012, 'size': 8047290, 'time': 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140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 195.47080993652344, "msg": "Media data for audio_fail_conv.mp3 is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 203.80282402038574, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 9.894371032714844e-05 }, { "args": [ "{'duration': 120.476735, 'bitrate': 240202, 'title': 'Was bringt der Dezember', 'artist': 'Rolf und seine Freunde', 'album': 'Wir warten auf Weihnachten', 'year': 0, 'track': 9, 'genre': 'Other', 'size': 3617354}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,248", "created": 1580454617.248586, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for audio_year_0.mp3 is correct (Content {'duration': 120.476735, 'bitrate': 240202, 'title': 'Was bringt der Dezember', 'artist': 'Rolf und seine Freunde', 'album': 'Wir warten auf Weihnachten', 'year': 0, 'track': 9, 'genre': 'Other', 'size': 3617354} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "Media data for audio_year_0.mp3", "{ 'duration': 120.476735, 'bitrate': 240202, 'title': 'Was bringt der Dezember', 'artist': 'Rolf und seine Freunde', 'album': 'Wir warten auf Weihnachten', 'year': 0, 'track': 9, 'genre': 'Other', 'size': 3617354 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,248", "created": 1580454617.2483046, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for audio_year_0.mp3): { 'duration': 120.476735, 'bitrate': 240202, 'title': 'Was bringt der Dezember', 'artist': 'Rolf und seine Freunde', 'album': 'Wir warten auf Weihnachten', 'year': 0, 'track': 9, 'genre': 'Other', 'size': 3617354 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 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'track': 9, 'genre': 'Other', 'year': 0, 'size': 3617354 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 248.48008155822754, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 256.81209564208984, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 248.58593940734863, "msg": "Media data for audio_year_0.mp3 is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 256.91795349121094, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 0.00010585784912109375 }, { "args": [ "{'time': 1518783213, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.000535, 'flash': 'Auto Off', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'gps': {'lon': 12.140646934444444, 'lat': 53.68635940527778}, 'height': 2240, 'iso': 50, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 3968, 'size': 4342955, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09'}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,266", "created": 1580454617.266195, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for image_exif_gps.jpg is correct (Content {'time': 1518783213, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.000535, 'flash': 'Auto Off', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'gps': {'lon': 12.140646934444444, 'lat': 53.68635940527778}, 'height': 2240, 'iso': 50, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 3968, 'size': 4342955, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09'} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "Media data for image_exif_gps.jpg", "{ 'time': 1518783213, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.000535, 'flash': 'Auto Off', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'gps': { 'lon': 12.140646934444444, 'lat': 53.68635940527778 }, 'height': 2240, 'iso': 50, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 3968, 'size': 4342955, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09' }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,265", "created": 1580454617.2659605, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for image_exif_gps.jpg): { 'time': 1518783213, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.000535, 'flash': 'Auto Off', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'gps': { 'lon': 12.140646934444444, 'lat': 53.68635940527778 }, 'height': 2240, 'iso': 50, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 3968, 'size': 4342955, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09' } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 265.9604549407959, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 274.2924690246582, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for image_exif_gps.jpg", "{ 'time': 1518783213, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.000535, 'flash': 'Auto Off', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'gps': { 'lon': 12.140646934444444, 'lat': 53.68635940527778 }, 'height': 2240, 'iso': 50, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 3968, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09', 'size': 4342955 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,266", "created": 1580454617.2660656, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for image_exif_gps.jpg): result = { 'time': 1518783213, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.000535, 'flash': 'Auto Off', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'gps': { 'lon': 12.140646934444444, 'lat': 53.68635940527778 }, 'height': 2240, 'iso': 50, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 3968, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09', 'size': 4342955 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 266.0655975341797, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 274.397611618042, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 266.19505882263184, "msg": "Media data for image_exif_gps.jpg is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 274.52707290649414, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 0.00012946128845214844 }, { "args": [ "{'time': 1515143529, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.03, 'flash': 'Fired', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'height': 3968, 'iso': 160, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 2976, 'size': 2837285, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09'}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,269", "created": 1580454617.26988, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for image_exif_no_gps.jpg is correct (Content {'time': 1515143529, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.03, 'flash': 'Fired', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'height': 3968, 'iso': 160, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 2976, 'size': 2837285, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09'} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "Media data for image_exif_no_gps.jpg", "{ 'time': 1515143529, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.03, 'flash': 'Fired', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'height': 3968, 'iso': 160, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 2976, 'size': 2837285, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09' }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,269", "created": 1580454617.2697332, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for image_exif_no_gps.jpg): { 'time': 1515143529, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.03, 'flash': 'Fired', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'height': 3968, 'iso': 160, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 2976, 'size': 2837285, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09' } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 269.733190536499, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 278.0652046203613, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for image_exif_no_gps.jpg", "{ 'time': 1515143529, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.03, 'flash': 'Fired', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'height': 3968, 'iso': 160, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 2976, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09', 'size': 2837285 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,269", "created": 1580454617.269806, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for image_exif_no_gps.jpg): result = { 'time': 1515143529, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.03, 'flash': 'Fired', 'aperture': 2.2, 'focal_length': 4.5, 'height': 3968, 'iso': 160, 'orientation': 0, 'width': 2976, 'camera': 'HUAWEI: EVA-L09', 'size': 2837285 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 269.805908203125, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 278.1379222869873, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 269.8800563812256, "msg": "Media data for image_exif_no_gps.jpg is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 278.2120704650879, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 7.414817810058594e-05 }, { "args": [ "{'size': 1139092, 'time': 1449870515, 'tm_is_subst': True}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,270", "created": 1580454617.2703028, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for image_non_exif.jpg is correct (Content {'size': 1139092, 'time': 1449870515, 'tm_is_subst': True} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "/user_data/data/dirk/prj/unittest/media/unittest/input_data/image_non_exif.jpg" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,270", "created": 1580454617.2700617, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "metadata.py", "funcName": "__get_exif_data__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 153, "message": "/user_data/data/dirk/prj/unittest/media/unittest/input_data/image_non_exif.jpg does not have any exif information", "module": "metadata", "msecs": 270.061731338501, "msg": "%s does not have any exif information", "name": "MEDIA", "pathname": "src/media/metadata.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 278.3937454223633, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for image_non_exif.jpg", "{ 'size': 1139092, 'time': 1449870515, 'tm_is_subst': True }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,270", "created": 1580454617.2701979, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for image_non_exif.jpg): { 'size': 1139092, 'time': 1449870515, 'tm_is_subst': True } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 270.19786834716797, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 278.5298824310303, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for image_non_exif.jpg", "{ 'time': 1449870515, 'tm_is_subst': True, 'size': 1139092 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,270", "created": 1580454617.2702498, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for image_non_exif.jpg): result = { 'time': 1449870515, 'tm_is_subst': True, 'size': 1139092 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 270.2498435974121, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 278.5818576812744, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 270.30277252197266, "msg": "Media data for image_non_exif.jpg is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 278.63478660583496, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 5.2928924560546875e-05 }, { "args": [ "{'time': 1226149915, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.008, 'flash': 'Fill Fired', 'aperture': 7.1, 'focal_length': 170.0, 'height': 2592, 'iso': 400, 'orientation': 1, 'width': 3888, 'size': 1301272, 'camera': 'Canon: Canon EOS 40D'}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,274", "created": 1580454617.2744613, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for image_extraction_failed.jpg is correct (Content {'time': 1226149915, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.008, 'flash': 'Fill Fired', 'aperture': 7.1, 'focal_length': 170.0, 'height': 2592, 'iso': 400, 'orientation': 1, 'width': 3888, 'size': 1301272, 'camera': 'Canon: Canon EOS 40D'} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "{0: b'\\x02\\x02\\x00\\x00'}" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,274", "created": 1580454617.2741964, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "metadata.py", "funcName": "__gps_conv__", "levelname": "WARNING", "levelno": 30, "lineno": 259, "message": "GPS data extraction failed for {0: b'\\x02\\x02\\x00\\x00'}", "module": "metadata", "msecs": 274.1963863372803, "msg": "GPS data extraction failed for %s", "name": "MEDIA", "pathname": "src/media/metadata.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 282.5284004211426, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for image_extraction_failed.jpg", "{ 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"relativeCreated": 282.6528549194336, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for image_extraction_failed.jpg", "{ 'time': 1226149915, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.008, 'flash': 'Fill Fired', 'aperture': 7.1, 'focal_length': 170.0, 'height': 2592, 'iso': 400, 'orientation': 1, 'width': 3888, 'camera': 'Canon: Canon EOS 40D', 'size': 1301272 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,274", "created": 1580454617.2743845, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for image_extraction_failed.jpg): result = { 'time': 1226149915, 'exposure_program': 'Program Normal', 'exposure_time': 0.008, 'flash': 'Fill Fired', 'aperture': 7.1, 'focal_length': 170.0, 'height': 2592, 'iso': 400, 'orientation': 1, 'width': 3888, 'camera': 'Canon: Canon EOS 40D', 'size': 1301272 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 274.3844985961914, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 282.7165126800537, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 274.4612693786621, "msg": "Media data for image_extraction_failed.jpg is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 282.7932834625244, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 7.677078247070312e-05 }, { "args": [ "{'width': 800, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.6666666666666667, 'duration': 3.964, 'bitrate': 2341765, 'time': 1414948303, 'size': 1160345}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,331", "created": 1580454617.3313096, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", 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"__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 339.3211364746094, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for video.3gp", "{ 'width': 800, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.6666666666666667, 'duration': 3.964, 'bitrate': 2341765, 'time': 1414948303, 'size': 1160345 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,331", "created": 1580454617.3312073, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for video.3gp): result = { 'width': 800, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.6666666666666667, 'duration': 3.964, 'bitrate': 2341765, 'time': 1414948303, 'size': 1160345 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 331.207275390625, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 339.5392894744873, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 331.30955696105957, "msg": "Media data for video.3gp is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 339.6415710449219, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 0.00010228157043457031 }, { "args": [ "{'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'ratio': 1.7777777777777777, 'duration': 12.453, 'bitrate': 17883888, 'time': 1503125482, 'size': 27838508}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,523", "created": 1580454617.5236886, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for video.mp4 is correct (Content {'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'ratio': 1.7777777777777777, 'duration': 12.453, 'bitrate': 17883888, 'time': 1503125482, 'size': 27838508} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "Media data for video.mp4", "{ 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'ratio': 1.7777777777777777, 'duration': 12.453, 'bitrate': 17883888, 'time': 1503125482, 'size': 27838508 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,523", "created": 1580454617.5233953, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for video.mp4): { 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'ratio': 1.7777777777777777, 'duration': 12.453, 'bitrate': 17883888, 'time': 1503125482, 'size': 27838508 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 523.395299911499, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 531.7273139953613, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for video.mp4", "{ 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'ratio': 1.7777777777777777, 'duration': 12.453, 'bitrate': 17883888, 'time': 1503125482, 'size': 27838508 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,523", "created": 1580454617.5235822, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for video.mp4): result = { 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'ratio': 1.7777777777777777, 'duration': 12.453, 'bitrate': 17883888, 'time': 1503125482, 'size': 27838508 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 523.5822200775146, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 531.914234161377, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 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"duration" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,576", "created": 1580454617.5764694, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "metadata.py", "funcName": "__get_xxprobe_data__", "levelname": "WARNING", "levelno": 30, "lineno": 143, "message": "Can't convert 'N/A' (duration) for duration", "module": "metadata", "msecs": 576.4694213867188, "msg": "Can't convert %s (%s) for %s", "name": "MEDIA", "pathname": "src/media/metadata.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 584.801435470581, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for video_special_time.avi", "{ 'width': 320, 'height': 240, 'ratio': 0.0, 'duration': 26.531264, 'bitrate': 840554, 'time': 1086778620, 'size': 2787622 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,576", "created": 1580454617.5769684, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for video_special_time.avi): { 'width': 320, 'height': 240, 'ratio': 0.0, 'duration': 26.531264, 'bitrate': 840554, 'time': 1086778620, 'size': 2787622 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 576.9684314727783, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 585.3004455566406, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for video_special_time.avi", "{ 'width': 320, 'height': 240, 'ratio': 0.0, 'duration': 26.531264, 'bitrate': 840554, 'time': 1086778620, 'size': 2787622 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,577", "created": 1580454617.5770667, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for video_special_time.avi): result = { 'width': 320, 'height': 240, 'ratio': 0.0, 'duration': 26.531264, 'bitrate': 840554, 'time': 1086778620, 'size': 2787622 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 577.0666599273682, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 585.3986740112305, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 577.1665573120117, "msg": "Media data for video_special_time.avi is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 585.498571395874, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 9.989738464355469e-05 }, { "args": [ "{'width': 640, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.3333333333333333, 'duration': 11.016, 'bitrate': 2153411, 'size': 2965248, 'time': 1158528375, 'tm_is_subst': True}", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,666", "created": 1580454617.6665187, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "equivalency_chk", "levelname": "INFO", "levelno": 20, "lineno": 142, "message": "Media data for video_no_date.avi is correct (Content {'width': 640, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.3333333333333333, 'duration': 11.016, 'bitrate': 2153411, 'size': 2965248, 'time': 1158528375, 'tm_is_subst': True} and Type is ).", "module": "test", "moduleLogger": [ { "args": [ "Media data for video_no_date.avi", "{ 'width': 640, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.3333333333333333, 'duration': 11.016, 'bitrate': 2153411, 'size': 2965248, 'time': 1158528375, 'tm_is_subst': True }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,666", "created": 1580454617.666085, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_result__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 22, "message": "Result (Media data for video_no_date.avi): { 'width': 640, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.3333333333333333, 'duration': 11.016, 'bitrate': 2153411, 'size': 2965248, 'time': 1158528375, 'tm_is_subst': True } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 666.0850048065186, "msg": "Result (%s): %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 674.4170188903809, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" }, { "args": [ "Media data for video_no_date.avi", "{ 'width': 640, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.3333333333333333, 'duration': 11.016, 'bitrate': 2153411, 'time': 1158528375, 'tm_is_subst': True, 'size': 2965248 }", "" ], "asctime": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,666", "created": 1580454617.6663933, "exc_info": null, "exc_text": null, "filename": "test.py", "funcName": "__report_expectation_equivalency__", "levelname": "DEBUG", "levelno": 10, "lineno": 26, "message": "Expectation (Media data for video_no_date.avi): result = { 'width': 640, 'height': 480, 'ratio': 1.3333333333333333, 'duration': 11.016, 'bitrate': 2153411, 'time': 1158528375, 'tm_is_subst': True, 'size': 2965248 } ()", "module": "test", "msecs": 666.3932800292969, "msg": "Expectation (%s): result = %s (%s)", "name": "__unittest__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 674.7252941131592, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread" } ], "msecs": 666.5186882019043, "msg": "Media data for video_no_date.avi is correct (Content %s and Type is %s).", "name": "__tLogger__", "pathname": "src/unittest/test.py", "process": 21438, "processName": "MainProcess", "relativeCreated": 674.8507022857666, "stack_info": null, "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 0.00012540817260742188 } ], "thread": 140584323143488, "threadName": "MainThread", "time_consumption": 0.6170980930328369, "time_finished": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,666", "time_start": "2020-01-31 08:10:17,049" } }, "testrun_id": "p3", "time_consumption": 0.6170980930328369, "uid_list_sorted": [ "_XzMFcHYZEem_kd-7nxt1sg" ] } ], "unittest_information": { "Version": "4fc2a0b784677a9bebb642985ef6a243" } }