import logging import os from PIL import Image import subprocess import time logger_name = 'MEDIA' logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) FILETYPE_AUDIO = 'audio' FILETYPE_IMAGE = 'image' FILETYPE_VIDEO = 'video' EXTENTIONS_AUDIO = ['.mp3', ] EXTENTIONS_IMAGE = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.jpe', '.png', '.tif', '.tiff', '.gif', ] EXTENTIONS_VIDEO = ['.avi', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.mpe', '.mov', '.qt', '.mp4', '.webm', '.ogv', '.flv', '.3gp', ] KEY_ALBUM = 'album' KEY_APERTURE = 'aperture' KEY_ARTIST = 'artist' KEY_BITRATE = 'bitrate' KEY_CAMERA = 'camera' KEY_DURATION = 'duration' KEY_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM = 'exposure_program' KEY_EXPOSURE_TIME = 'exposure_time' KEY_FLASH = 'flash' KEY_FOCAL_LENGTH = 'focal_length' KEY_GENRE = 'genre' KEY_GPS = 'gps' KEY_HEIGHT = 'height' KEY_ISO = 'iso' KEY_ORIENTATION = 'orientation' KEY_RATIO = 'ratio' KEY_SIZE = 'size' KEY_TIME = 'time' # USE time.localtime(value) or datetime.fromtimestamp(value) to convert the timestamp KEY_TIME_IS_SUBSTITUTION = 'tm_is_subst' KEY_TITLE = 'title' KEY_TRACK = 'track' KEY_WIDTH = 'width' KEY_YEAR = 'year' __KEY_CAMERA_VENDOR__ = 'camera_vendor' __KEY_CAMERA_MODEL__ = 'camera_model' def get_filetype(full_path): ext = os.path.splitext(full_path)[1] if ext in EXTENTIONS_AUDIO: return FILETYPE_AUDIO elif ext in EXTENTIONS_IMAGE: return FILETYPE_IMAGE elif ext in EXTENTIONS_VIDEO: return FILETYPE_VIDEO def get_audio_data(full_path): conv_key_dict = {} conv_key_dict['album'] = (str, KEY_ALBUM) conv_key_dict['TAG:album'] = (str, KEY_ALBUM) conv_key_dict['TAG:artist'] = (str, KEY_ARTIST) conv_key_dict['artist'] = (str, KEY_ARTIST) conv_key_dict['bit_rate'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_BITRATE) conv_key_dict['duration'] = (float, KEY_DURATION) conv_key_dict['TAG:genre'] = (str, KEY_GENRE) conv_key_dict['genre'] = (str, KEY_GENRE) conv_key_dict['TAG:title'] = (str, KEY_TITLE) conv_key_dict['title'] = (str, KEY_TITLE) conv_key_dict['TAG:track'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_TRACK) conv_key_dict['track'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_TRACK) conv_key_dict['TAG:date'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_YEAR) conv_key_dict['date'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_YEAR) return __adapt__data__(__get_xxprobe_data__(full_path, conv_key_dict), full_path) def get_video_data(full_path): conv_key_dict = {} conv_key_dict['creation_time'] = (__vid_datetime_conv__, KEY_TIME) conv_key_dict['TAG:creation_time'] = (__vid_datetime_conv__, KEY_TIME) conv_key_dict['bit_rate'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_BITRATE) conv_key_dict['duration'] = (float, KEY_DURATION) conv_key_dict['height'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_HEIGHT) conv_key_dict['width'] = (__int_conv__, KEY_WIDTH) conv_key_dict['display_aspect_ratio'] = (__ratio_conv__, KEY_RATIO) return __adapt__data__(__get_xxprobe_data__(full_path, conv_key_dict), full_path) def get_image_data(full_path): return __adapt__data__(__get_exif_data__(full_path), full_path) def __adapt__data__(data, full_path): data[KEY_SIZE] = os.path.getsize(full_path) # Join Camera Vendor and Camera Model if __KEY_CAMERA_MODEL__ in data and __KEY_CAMERA_VENDOR__ in data: model = data.pop(__KEY_CAMERA_MODEL__) vendor = data.pop(__KEY_CAMERA_VENDOR__) data[KEY_CAMERA] = '%s: %s' % (vendor, model) # Add time if not exists if KEY_TIME not in data: if KEY_YEAR in data and KEY_TRACK in data: # Use a date where track 1 is the newest in the given year minute = int(data[KEY_TRACK] / 60) second = (data[KEY_TRACK] - 60 * minute) % 60 # data[KEY_TIME] = int(time.mktime((data[KEY_YEAR], 1, 1, 0, 59 - minute, 59 - second, 0, 0, 0))) data[KEY_TIME_IS_SUBSTITUTION] = True else: data[KEY_TIME] = int(os.path.getmtime(full_path)) data[KEY_TIME_IS_SUBSTITUTION] = True return data def __get_xxprobe_data__(full_path, conv_key_dict): def _ffprobe_command(full_path): return ['ffprobe', '-v', 'quiet', '-show_format', '-show_streams', full_path] def _avprobe_command(full_path): return ['avprobe', '-v', 'quiet', '-show_format', '-show_streams', full_path] try: xxprobe_text = subprocess.check_output(_avprobe_command(full_path)) except FileNotFoundError: try: xxprobe_text = subprocess.check_output(_ffprobe_command(full_path)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning('ffprobe and avprobe seem to be not installed') return {} # rv = {} for line in xxprobe_text.decode('utf-8').splitlines(): try: key, val = [snippet.strip() for snippet in line.split('=')] except ValueError: continue else: if key in conv_key_dict: tp, name = conv_key_dict[key] try: rv[name] = tp(val) except ValueError: logger.log(logging.WARNING if val else logger.INFO, 'Can\'t convert %s (%s) for %s', repr(val), name, name) return rv def __get_exif_data__(full_path): rv = {} im = try: exif = dict(im._getexif().items()) except AttributeError: logger.debug('%s does not have any exif information', full_path) else: conv_key_dict = {} # IMAGE conv_key_dict[0x9003] = (__datetime_conv__, KEY_TIME) conv_key_dict[0x8822] = (__exposure_program_conv__, KEY_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM) conv_key_dict[0x829A] = (__num_denum_conv__, KEY_EXPOSURE_TIME) conv_key_dict[0x9209] = (__flash_conv__, KEY_FLASH) conv_key_dict[0x829D] = (__num_denum_conv__, KEY_APERTURE) conv_key_dict[0x920A] = (__num_denum_conv__, KEY_FOCAL_LENGTH) conv_key_dict[0x8825] = (__gps_conv__, KEY_GPS) conv_key_dict[0xA003] = (__int_conv__, KEY_HEIGHT) conv_key_dict[0x8827] = (__int_conv__, KEY_ISO) conv_key_dict[0x010F] = (str, __KEY_CAMERA_VENDOR__) conv_key_dict[0x0110] = (str, __KEY_CAMERA_MODEL__) conv_key_dict[0x0112] = (__int_conv__, KEY_ORIENTATION) conv_key_dict[0xA002] = (__int_conv__, KEY_WIDTH) for key in conv_key_dict: if key in exif: tp, name = conv_key_dict[key] value = tp(exif[key]) if value is not None: rv[name] = value return rv # TODO: Join datetime converter __datetime_conv__ and __vid_datetime_conv_ def __datetime_conv__(dt): format_string = "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S" return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, format_string))) def __vid_datetime_conv__(dt): try: dt = dt[:dt.index('.')] except ValueError: pass # time string seems to have no '.' dt = dt.replace('T', ' ').replace('/', '').replace('\\', '') if len(dt) == 16: dt += ':00' format_string = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, format_string))) def __exposure_program_conv__(n): return { 0: 'Unidentified', 1: 'Manual', 2: 'Program Normal', 3: 'Aperture Priority', 4: 'Shutter Priority', 5: 'Program Creative', 6: 'Program Action', 7: 'Portrait Mode', 8: 'Landscape Mode' }.get(n, None) def __flash_conv__(n): return { 0: 'No', 1: 'Fired', 5: 'Fired (?)', # no return sensed 7: 'Fired (!)', # return sensed 9: 'Fill Fired', 13: 'Fill Fired (?)', 15: 'Fill Fired (!)', 16: 'Off', 24: 'Auto Off', 25: 'Auto Fired', 29: 'Auto Fired (?)', 31: 'Auto Fired (!)', 32: 'Not Available' }.get(n, None) def __int_conv__(value): try: return int(value) except ValueError: for c in ['.', '/', '-']: p = value.find(c) if p >= 0: value = value[:p] return int(value) def __num_denum_conv__(data): num, denum = data return num / denum def __gps_conv__(data): def lat_lon_cal(lon_or_lat): lon_lat = 0. fac = 1. for num, denum in lon_or_lat: lon_lat += float(num) / float(denum) * fac fac *= 1. / 60. return lon_lat try: lon = lat_lon_cal(data[0x0004]) lat = lat_lon_cal(data[0x0002]) if lon != 0 or lat != 0: # do not use lon and lat equal 0, caused by motorola gps weakness return {'lon': lon, 'lat': lat} except KeyError: logger.warning('GPS data extraction failed for %s', repr(data)) def __ratio_conv__(ratio): ratio = ratio.replace('\\', '') num, denum = ratio.split(':') return float(num) / float(denum)