Python Library Socket Protocol
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. #
  4. """
  5. socket_protocol (Socket Protocol)
  6. =================================
  7. **Author:**
  8. * Dirk Alders <>
  9. **Description:**
  10. This Module supports point to point communication for client-server issues.
  11. **Submodules:**
  12. * :class:`socket_protocol.pure_json_protocol`
  13. * :class:`socket_protocol.struct_json_protocol`
  14. **Unittest:**
  15. See also the :download:`unittest <../pylibs/socket_protocol/_testresults_/unittest.pdf>` documentation.
  16. **Module Documentation:**
  17. """
  18. __DEPENDENCIES__ = ['stringtools']
  19. import stringtools
  20. import binascii
  21. import hashlib
  22. import json
  23. import logging
  24. import os
  25. import struct
  26. import sys
  27. import time
  28. try:
  29. from config import APP_NAME as ROOT_LOGGER_NAME
  30. except ImportError:
  31. ROOT_LOGGER_NAME = 'root'
  32. logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(__name__)
  33. __DESCRIPTION__ = """The Module {\\tt %s} is designed for point to point communication for client-server issues.
  34. For more Information read the sphinx documentation.""" % __name__.replace('_', '\_')
  35. """The Module Description"""
  36. __INTERPRETER__ = (2, 3)
  37. """The Tested Interpreter-Versions"""
  38. class _callback_storage(dict):
  39. DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME = 'all_others'
  40. def __init__(self, channel_name):
  41. self.init_channel_name(channel_name)
  42. dict.__init__(self)
  43. def init_channel_name(self, channel_name):
  44. if channel_name is None:
  45. self.logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(__name__ + '.' + self.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME)
  46. else:
  47. self.logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(__name__ + '.' + channel_name)
  48. def get(self, service_id, data_id):
  49. if service_id is not None and data_id is not None:
  50. try:
  51. return self[service_id][data_id]
  52. except KeyError:
  53. pass # nothing to append
  54. if data_id is not None:
  55. try:
  56. return self[None][data_id]
  57. except KeyError:
  58. pass # nothing to append
  59. if service_id is not None:
  60. try:
  61. return self[service_id][None]
  62. except KeyError:
  63. pass # nothing to append
  64. try:
  65. return self[None][None]
  66. except KeyError:
  67. pass # nothing to append
  68. return (None, None, None)
  69. def add(self, service_id, data_id, callback, *args, **kwargs):
  70. cb_data = self.get(service_id, data_id)
  71. if cb_data != (None, None, None):
  72. self.logger.warning("Overwriting existing callback %s for service_id (%s) and data_id (%s) to %s!", repr(cb_data[0].__name__), repr(service_id), repr(data_id), repr(callback.__name__))
  73. if service_id not in self:
  74. self[service_id] = {}
  75. self[service_id][data_id] = (callback, args, kwargs)
  76. class data_storage(dict):
  77. """
  78. :param status: The message status.
  79. :type status: int
  80. :param service_id: The Service-ID.
  81. :type service_id: int
  82. :param data_id: The Data-ID.
  83. :type data_id: int
  84. :param data: The transfered data.
  85. :type data: any
  86. This is a storage object for socket_protocol messages.
  87. """
  88. KEY_STATUS = 'status'
  89. KEY_SERVICE_ID = 'service_id'
  90. KEY_DATA_ID = 'data_id'
  91. KEY_DATA = 'data'
  92. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  93. dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
  94. def get_status(self, default=None):
  95. """
  96. :param default: The default value, if no data is available.
  97. This Method returns the message status.
  98. """
  99. return self.get(self.KEY_STATUS, default)
  100. def get_service_id(self, default=None):
  101. """
  102. :param default: The default value, if no data is available.
  103. This Method returns the message Service-ID.
  104. """
  105. return self.get(self.KEY_SERVICE_ID, default)
  106. def get_data_id(self, default=None):
  107. """
  108. :param default: The default value, if no data is available.
  109. This Method returns the message Data-ID.
  110. """
  111. return self.get(self.KEY_DATA_ID, default)
  112. def get_data(self, default=None):
  113. """
  114. :param default: The default value, if no data is available.
  115. This Method returns the message data.
  116. """
  117. return self.get(self.KEY_DATA, default)
  118. class pure_json_protocol(object):
  119. """
  120. :param comm_instance: A communication instance.
  121. :type comm_instance: instance
  122. :param secret: An optinal secret (e.g. created by ``binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(24))``).
  123. :type secret: str
  124. :param auto_auth: An optional parameter (True) to enable automatic authentification, otherwise you need to do it manually, if needed.
  125. :type auto_auth: bool
  126. :param channel_name: An optional parameter to set a channel name for logging of the communication.
  127. :type channel_name: str
  128. .. hint:: This `class` supports to transfer a Service-ID, Data-ID and Data.
  129. * The Service-ID is designed to identify the type of the communication (e.g. READ_REQUEST, WRITE_REQUEST, READ_RESPONSE, WRITE_RESPONSE, ...)
  130. * The Data-ID is designed to identify the requests / responses using the same Service_ID.
  131. .. note:: The :class:`comm_instance` needs to have at least the following interface:
  132. * A Method :func:`comm_instance.init_channel_name` to set the channel name if needed.
  133. * A Constant :const:`comm_instance.IS_CLIENT` to identify that the :class:`comm_instance` is a client (True) or a server (False).
  134. * A Method :func:`comm_instance.is_connected` to identify if the instance is connected (True) or not (False).
  135. * A Method :func:`comm_instance.reconnect` to initiate a reconnect.
  136. * A Method :func:`comm_instance.register_callback` to register a data available callback.
  137. * A Method :func:`comm_instance.register_connect_callback` to register a connect callback.
  138. * A Method :func:`comm_instance.register_disconnect_callback` to register a disconnect callback.
  139. * A Method :func:`comm_instance.send` to send data via the :class:`comm_instance`.
  140. .. note:: The parameter :const:`auto_auth` is only relevant, if a secret is given and the :class:`comm_instance` is a client. The authentification is initiated directly after the connection is established.
  141. .. note:: The :const:`channel_name`-exchange will be initiated by the client directly after the the connection is established.
  142. * If a channel_name is given at both communication sides and they are different, the client name is taken over and the server will log a warning message.
  143. """
  144. DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME = 'all_others'
  146. """SID for requesting a seed for authentification"""
  148. """SID for requesting a key for the given seed"""
  150. """SID for request for checking a key"""
  152. """SID for the authentification response"""
  154. """SID for requesting a channel name exchange"""
  156. """SID for the channel name response"""
  157. SID_READ_REQUEST = 10
  158. """SID for a read data request"""
  160. """SID for read data response"""
  162. """SID for a write data request"""
  164. """SID for a write data response"""
  166. """SID for a execute request"""
  168. """SID for a execute response"""
  176. """Dictionary to get the SID for the response by the key which is the SID for the request"""
  177. SID__NO_AUTH_LIST = [
  184. ]
  185. """List of SIDs without need of an authentification"""
  186. STATUS_OKAY = 0
  187. """Status for 'okay'"""
  189. """Status for 'unhandled request'"""
  191. """Status for 'authentification is required'"""
  193. """Status for 'service or data unknown'"""
  195. """Status for 'checksum error'"""
  197. """Status for 'operation not permitted'"""
  198. STATUS__NAMES = {STATUS_OKAY: 'Okay',
  199. STATUS_BUFFERING_UNHANDLED_REQUEST: 'Request has no callback. Data buffered.',
  200. STATUS_AUTH_REQUIRED: 'Authentification required',
  201. STATUS_SERVICE_OR_DATA_UNKNOWN: 'Service or Data unknown',
  202. STATUS_CHECKSUM_ERROR: 'Checksum Error',
  203. STATUS_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED: 'Operation not permitted'}
  204. """Status names for previous defined states"""
  206. """Authentification Status for 'Unknown Client'"""
  208. """Authentification Status for 'Seed was requested'"""
  210. """Authentification Status for 'Seed has been sent'"""
  212. """Authentification Status for 'Key has been sent'"""
  214. """Authentification Status for 'Trusted Connection'"""
  216. AUTH_STATE_SEED_REQUESTED: 'Seed was requested',
  217. AUTH_STATE_SEED_TRANSFERRED: 'Seed has been sent',
  218. AUTH_STATE_KEY_TRANSFERRED: 'Key has been sent',
  219. AUTH_STATE_TRUSTED_CLIENT: 'Trusted Connection'}
  220. """Authentification Status names for previous defined authentification states"""
  221. def __init__(self, comm_instance, secret=None, auto_auth=False, channel_name=None):
  222. self.__comm_inst__ = comm_instance
  223. self.__secret__ = secret
  224. self.__auto_auth__ = auto_auth
  225. #
  226. self.__callbacks__ = _callback_storage(channel_name)
  227. self.__init_channel_name__(channel_name)
  228. #
  229. self.__clean_receive_buffer__()
  230. self.__callbacks__.add(self.SID_AUTH_SEED_REQUEST, 0, self.__authentificate_create_seed__)
  231. self.__callbacks__.add(self.SID_AUTH_KEY_REQUEST, 0, self.__authentificate_create_key__)
  232. self.__callbacks__.add(self.SID_AUTH_KEY_CHECK_REQUEST, 0, self.__authentificate_check_key__)
  233. self.__callbacks__.add(self.SID_AUTH_KEY_CHECK_RESPONSE, 0, self.__authentificate_process_feedback__)
  234. self.__callbacks__.add(self.SID_CHANNEL_NAME_REQUEST, 0, self.__channel_name_request__)
  235. self.__callbacks__.add(self.SID_CHANNEL_NAME_RESPONSE, 0, self.__channel_name_response__)
  236. self.__authentification_state_reset__()
  237. self.__seed__ = None
  238. self.__comm_inst__.register_callback(self.__data_available_callback__)
  239. self.__comm_inst__.register_connect_callback(self.__connection_established__)
  240. self.__comm_inst__.register_disconnect_callback(self.__authentification_state_reset__)
  241. def __analyse_frame__(self, frame):
  242. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  243. return data_storage(json.loads(frame[:-4].decode('utf-8')))
  244. else:
  245. return data_storage(json.loads(frame[:-4]))
  246. def __authentificate_check_key__(self, msg):
  247. key = msg.get_data()
  248. if key == self.__authentificate_salt_and_hash__(self.__seed__):
  249. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_TRUSTED_CLIENT
  250."%s Got correct key, sending positive authentification feedback", self.__log_prefix__())
  251. return self.STATUS_OKAY, True
  252. else:
  253. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT
  254."%s Got incorrect key, sending negative authentification feedback", self.__log_prefix__())
  255. return self.STATUS_OKAY, False
  256. def __authentificate_create_key__(self, msg):
  257."%s Got seed, sending key for authentification", self.__log_prefix__())
  258. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_KEY_TRANSFERRED
  259. seed = msg.get_data()
  260. key = self.__authentificate_salt_and_hash__(seed)
  261. return self.STATUS_OKAY, key
  262. def __authentificate_create_seed__(self, msg):
  263."%s Got seed request, sending seed for authentification", self.__log_prefix__())
  264. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_SEED_TRANSFERRED
  265. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  266. self.__seed__ = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32)).decode('utf-8')
  267. else:
  268. self.__seed__ = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32))
  269. return self.STATUS_OKAY, self.__seed__
  270. def __authentificate_process_feedback__(self, msg):
  271. feedback = msg.get_data()
  272. if feedback:
  273. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_TRUSTED_CLIENT
  274."%s Got positive authentification feedback", self.__log_prefix__())
  275. else:
  276. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT
  277. self.logger.warning("%s Got negative authentification feedback", self.__log_prefix__())
  278. return self.STATUS_OKAY, None
  279. def __authentificate_salt_and_hash__(self, seed):
  280. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  281. return hashlib.sha512(bytes(seed, 'utf-8') + self.__secret__).hexdigest()
  282. else:
  283. return hashlib.sha512(seed.encode('utf-8') + self.__secret__.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
  284. def __authentification_state_reset__(self):
  285."%s Resetting authentification state to AUTH_STATE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT", self.__log_prefix__())
  286. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT
  287. def __buffer_received_data__(self, msg):
  288. if not msg.get_service_id() in self.__msg_buffer__:
  289. self.__msg_buffer__[msg.get_service_id()] = {}
  290. if not msg.get_data_id() in self.__msg_buffer__[msg.get_service_id()]:
  291. self.__msg_buffer__[msg.get_service_id()][msg.get_data_id()] = []
  292. self.__msg_buffer__[msg.get_service_id()][msg.get_data_id()].append(msg)
  293. self.logger.debug("%s Message data is stored in buffer and is now ready to be retrieved by receive method", self.__log_prefix__())
  294. def __build_frame__(self, service_id, data_id, data, status=STATUS_OKAY):
  295. data_frame = json.dumps(self.__mk_msg__(status, service_id, data_id, data))
  296. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  297. data_frame = bytes(data_frame, 'utf-8')
  298. checksum = self.__calc_chksum__(data_frame)
  299. return data_frame + checksum
  300. def __calc_chksum__(self, raw_data):
  301. return struct.pack('>I', binascii.crc32(raw_data) & 0xffffffff)
  302. @property
  303. def __channel_name__(self):
  304. cn ='.')[-1]
  305. if cn != self.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME:
  306. return cn
  307. def __channel_name_response__(self, msg):
  308. data = msg.get_data()
  309. if self.__channel_name__ is None and data is not None:
  310. self.__init_channel_name__(data)
  311.'%s channel name is now %s', self.__log_prefix__(), repr(self.__channel_name__))
  312. return self.STATUS_OKAY, None
  313. def __channel_name_request__(self, msg):
  314. data = msg.get_data()
  315. if data is None:
  316. return self.STATUS_OKAY, self.__channel_name__
  317. else:
  318. prev_channel_name = self.__channel_name__
  319. self.__init_channel_name__(data)
  320. if prev_channel_name is not None and prev_channel_name != data:
  321. self.logger.warning('%s overwriting user defined channel name from %s to %s', self.__log_prefix__(), repr(prev_channel_name), repr(data))
  322. elif prev_channel_name is None:
  323.'%s channel name is now %s', self.__log_prefix__(), repr(self.__channel_name__))
  324. return self.STATUS_OKAY, None
  325. def __check_frame_checksum__(self, frame):
  326. return self.__calc_chksum__(frame[:-4]) == frame[-4:]
  327. def __clean_receive_buffer__(self):
  328. self.logger.debug("%s Cleaning up receive-buffer", self.__log_prefix__())
  329. self.__msg_buffer__ = {}
  330. def __data_available_callback__(self, comm_inst):
  331. frame = comm_inst.receive()
  332. if not self.__check_frame_checksum__(frame):
  333. self.logger.warning("%s Received message has a wrong checksum and will be ignored: %s.", self.__log_prefix__(), stringtools.hexlify(frame))
  334. else:
  335. msg = self.__analyse_frame__(frame)
  337. '%s RX <- status: %s, service_id: %s, data_id: %s, data: "%s"',
  338. self.__log_prefix__(),
  339. repr(msg.get_status()),
  340. repr(msg.get_service_id()),
  341. repr(msg.get_data_id()),
  342. repr(msg.get_data())
  343. )
  344. callback, args, kwargs = self.__callbacks__.get(msg.get_service_id(), msg.get_data_id())
  345. if msg.get_service_id() in self.SID__RESPONSE_DICT.keys():
  346. #
  348. #
  349. if self.__secret__ is not None and not self.check_authentification_state() and msg.get_service_id() not in self.SID__NO_AUTH_LIST:
  350. status = self.STATUS_AUTH_REQUIRED
  351. data = None
  352. self.logger.warning("%s Received message needs authentification: %s. Sending negative response.", self.__log_prefix__(), self.AUTH_STATE__NAMES.get(self.__authentification_state__, 'Unknown authentification status!'))
  353. elif callback is None:
  354. self.logger.warning("%s Received message with no registered callback. Sending negative response.", self.__log_prefix__())
  356. data = None
  357. else:
  358. try:
  359. self.logger.debug("%s Executing callback %s to process received data", self.__log_prefix__(), callback.__name__)
  360. status, data = callback(msg, *args, **kwargs)
  361. except TypeError:
  362. raise TypeError('Check return value of callback function {callback_name} for service_id {service_id} and data_id {data_id}'.format(callback_name=callback.__name__, service_id=repr(msg.get_service_id()), data_id=repr(msg.get_data_id())))
  363. self.send(self.SID__RESPONSE_DICT[msg.get_service_id()], msg.get_data_id(), data, status=status)
  364. else:
  365. #
  367. #
  368. if msg.get_status() not in [self.STATUS_OKAY]:
  369. self.logger.warning("%s Received message has a peculiar status: %s", self.__log_prefix__(), self.STATUS__NAMES.get(msg.get_status(), 'Unknown status response!'))
  370. if callback is None:
  371. status = self.STATUS_OKAY
  372. data = None
  373. self.__buffer_received_data__(msg)
  374. else:
  375. try:
  376. self.logger.debug("%s Executing callback %s to process received data", self.__log_prefix__(), callback.__name__)
  377. status, data = callback(msg, *args, **kwargs)
  378. except TypeError:
  379. raise TypeError('Check return value of callback function {callback_name} for service_id {service_id} and data_id {data_id}'.format(callback_name=callback.__name__, service_id=repr(msg.get_service_id()), data_id=repr(msg.get_data_id())))
  380. def __connection_established__(self):
  381. self.__clean_receive_buffer__()
  382. if not self.__comm_inst__.IS_CLIENT:
  383. self.send(self.SID_CHANNEL_NAME_REQUEST, 0, self.__channel_name__)
  384. if self.__auto_auth__ and self.__comm_inst__.IS_CLIENT and self.__secret__ is not None:
  385. self.authentificate()
  386. def __init_channel_name__(self, channel_name):
  387. self.__comm_inst__.init_channel_name(channel_name)
  388. self.__callbacks__.init_channel_name(channel_name)
  389. if channel_name is None:
  390. self.logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(__name__ + '.' + self.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME)
  391. else:
  392. self.logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(__name__ + '.' + channel_name)
  393. def __log_prefix__(self):
  394. return ' SP client:' if self.__comm_inst__.IS_CLIENT else ' SP server:'
  395. def __mk_msg__(self, status, service_id, data_id, data):
  396. return data_storage({data_storage.KEY_DATA_ID: data_id, data_storage.KEY_SERVICE_ID: service_id, data_storage.KEY_STATUS: status, data_storage.KEY_DATA: data})
  397. def authentificate(self, timeout=2):
  398. """
  399. :param timeout: The timeout for the authentification (requesting seed, sending key and getting authentification_feedback).
  400. :type timeout: float
  401. :returns: True, if authentification was successfull; False, if not.
  402. :rtype: bool
  403. This method authetificates the client at the server.
  404. .. note:: An authentification will only processed, if a secret had been given on initialisation.
  405. .. note:: Client and Server needs to use the same secret.
  406. """
  407. if self.__secret__ is not None:
  408. self.__authentification_state__ = self.AUTH_STATE_SEED_REQUESTED
  409."%s Requesting seed for authentification", self.__log_prefix__())
  410. self.send(self.SID_AUTH_SEED_REQUEST, 0, None)
  411. cnt = 0
  412. while cnt < timeout * 10:
  413. time.sleep(0.1)
  414. if self.__authentification_state__ == self.AUTH_STATE_TRUSTED_CLIENT:
  415. return True
  416. elif self.__authentification_state__ == self.AUTH_STATE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT:
  417. break
  418. cnt += 1
  419. return False
  420. def check_authentification_state(self):
  421. """
  422. :return: True, if authentification state is okay, otherwise False
  423. :rtype: bool
  424. """
  425. return self.__authentification_state__ == self.AUTH_STATE_TRUSTED_CLIENT
  426. def connection_established(self):
  427. """
  428. :return: True, if the connection is established (incl. authentification, if a secret has been given)
  429. :rtype: bool
  430. """
  431. return self.is_connected() and (self.__secret__ is None or self.check_authentification_state())
  432. def is_connected(self):
  433. """
  434. :return: True if the :class:`comm_instance` is connected, otherwise False..
  435. :rtype: bool
  436. This methods returns the return value of :func:`comm_instance.is_connected`.
  437. """
  438. return self.__comm_inst__.is_connected()
  439. def receive(self, service_id, data_id, timeout=1):
  440. """
  441. :param service_id: The Service-ID for the message. See class definitions starting with ``SID_``.
  442. :type service_id: int
  443. :param data_id: The Data-ID for the message.
  444. :type data_id: int
  445. :param timeout: The timeout for receiving.
  446. :type timeout: float
  447. :returns: The received data storage object or None, if no data was received.
  448. :rtype: data_storage
  449. """
  450. data = None
  451. cnt = 0
  452. while data is None and cnt < timeout * 10:
  453. try:
  454. data = self.__msg_buffer__.get(service_id, {}).get(data_id, []).pop(0)
  455. except IndexError:
  456. data = None
  457. cnt += 1
  458. time.sleep(0.1)
  459. if data is None and cnt >= timeout * 10:
  460. self.logger.warning('%s TIMEOUT (%ss): Requested data (service_id: %s; data_id: %s) not in buffer.', self.__log_prefix__(), repr(timeout), repr(service_id), repr(data_id))
  461. return data
  462. def reconnect(self):
  463. """
  464. This methods initiates a reconnect by calling :func:`comm_instance.reconnect`.
  465. """
  466. return self.__comm_inst__.reconnect()
  467. def register_callback(self, service_id, data_id, callback, *args, **kwargs):
  468. """
  469. :param service_id: The Service-ID for the message. See class definitions starting with ``SID_``.
  470. :type service_id: int
  471. :param data_id: The Data-ID for the message.
  472. :type data_id: int
  473. :returns: True, if registration was successfull; False, if registration failed (e.g. existance of a callback for this configuration)
  474. :rtype: bool
  475. This method registers a callback for the given parameters. Givin ``None`` means, that all Service-IDs or all Data-IDs are used.
  476. If a message hitting these parameters has been received, the callback will be executed.
  477. .. note:: The :func:`callback` is priorised in the following order:
  478. * Callbacks with defined Service-ID and Data-ID.
  479. * Callbacks with a defined Data-ID.
  480. * Callbacks with a defined Service-ID.
  481. * Unspecific Callbacks
  482. .. note:: The :func:`callback` is executed with these arguments:
  483. :param msg: A :class:`data_storage` object containing all message information.
  484. :returns: (:const:`status`, :const:`response_data`)
  485. * :const:`status`: A status as defined as a constant of this class :const:`STA_*` to be used as status for the response.
  486. * :const:`response_data`: A JSON iterable object to be used as data for the response.
  487. .. note:: Only callbacks defined in :const:`pure_json_protocol.SID__RESPONSE_DICT` will send a response, using a Service-ID given in the dict and the same Data-ID to the client.
  488. """
  489. self.__callbacks__.add(service_id, data_id, callback, *args, **kwargs)
  490. def send(self, service_id, data_id, data, status=STATUS_OKAY, timeout=2, log_lvl=logging.INFO):
  491. """
  492. :param service_id: The Service-ID for the message. See class definitions starting with ``SERVICE_``.
  493. :type service_id: int
  494. :param data_id: The Data-ID for the message.
  495. :type data_id: int
  496. :param data: The data to be transfered. The data needs to be json compatible.
  497. :type data: str
  498. :param status: The Status for the message. All requests should have ``STATUS_OKAY``.
  499. :type status: int
  500. :param timeout: The timeout for sending data (e.g. time to establish new connection).
  501. :type timeout: float
  502. :param rx_log_lvl: The log level to log outgoing TX-data
  503. :type rx_log_lvl: int
  504. :return: True if data had been sent, otherwise False.
  505. :rtype: bool
  506. This methods sends out a message with the given content.
  507. """
  508. self.logger.log(log_lvl, '%s TX -> status: %d, service_id: %d, data_id: %d, data: "%s"', self.__log_prefix__(), status, service_id, data_id, repr(data))
  509. return self.__comm_inst__.send(self.__build_frame__(service_id, data_id, data, status), timeout=timeout, log_lvl=logging.DEBUG)
  510. class struct_json_protocol(pure_json_protocol):
  511. """
  512. This Class has the same functionality like :class:`pure_json_protocol`. The message length is less than for :class:`pure_json_protocol`, but the functionality and compatibility is reduced.
  513. .. note::
  514. This class is depreceated and here for compatibility reasons (to support old clients or servers). Usage of :class:`pure_json_protocol` is recommended.
  515. """
  516. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  517. pure_json_protocol.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
  518. def __analyse_frame__(self, frame):
  519. status, service_id, data_id = struct.unpack('>III', frame[0:12])
  520. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  521. data = json.loads(frame[12:-1].decode('utf-8'))
  522. else:
  523. data = json.loads(frame[12:-1])
  524. return self.__mk_msg__(status, service_id, data_id, data)
  525. def __build_frame__(self, service_id, data_id, data, status=pure_json_protocol.STATUS_OKAY):
  526. frame = struct.pack('>III', status, service_id, data_id)
  527. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  528. frame += bytes(json.dumps(data), 'utf-8')
  529. frame += self.__calc_chksum__(frame)
  530. else:
  531. frame += json.dumps(data)
  532. frame += self.__calc_chksum__(frame)
  533. return frame
  534. def __calc_chksum__(self, raw_data):
  535. chksum = 0
  536. for b in raw_data:
  537. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  538. chksum ^= b
  539. else:
  540. chksum ^= ord(b)
  541. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
  542. return bytes([chksum])
  543. else:
  544. return chr(chksum)
  545. def __check_frame_checksum__(self, frame):
  546. return self.__calc_chksum__(frame[:-1]) == frame[-1:]