#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ task (Task Module) ================== **Author:** * Dirk Alders **Description:** This Module supports helpfull classes for queues, tasks, ... **Submodules:** * :class:`task.crontab` * :class:`task.delayed` * :class:`task.periodic` * :class:`task.queue` * :class:`task.threaded_queue` **Unittest:** See also the :download:`unittest ` documentation. **Module Documentation:** """ __DEPENDENCIES__ = [] import logging import sys import threading import time if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): from queue import PriorityQueue from queue import Empty else: from Queue import PriorityQueue from Queue import Empty try: from config import APP_NAME as ROOT_LOGGER_NAME except ImportError: ROOT_LOGGER_NAME = 'root' logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild(__name__) __DESCRIPTION__ = """The Module {\\tt %s} is designed to help with task issues like periodic tasks, delayed tasks, queues, threaded queues and crontabs. For more Information read the documentation.""" % __name__.replace('_', '\_') """The Module Description""" __INTERPRETER__ = (2, 3) """The Tested Interpreter-Versions""" class queue(object): """ Class to execute queued callbacks. :param bool expire: The default value for expire. See also :py:func:`expire`. **Example:** .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/tqueue.py Will result to the following output: .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/tqueue.log """ class job(object): def __init__(self, priority, callback, *args, **kwargs): self.time = time.time() self.priority = priority self.callback = callback self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def run(self, queue): self.callback(queue, *self.args, **self.kwargs) def __lt__(self, other): if self.priority != other.priority: return self.priority < other.priority else: return self.time < other.time def __init__(self, expire=True): self.__expire = expire self.__stop = False self.queue = PriorityQueue() def clean_queue(self): """ This Methods removes all jobs from the queue. .. note:: Be aware that already running jobs will not be terminated. """ while not self.queue.empty(): try: self.queue.get(False) except Empty: # This block is hard to reach for a testcase, but is continue # needed, if the thread runs dry while cleaning the queue. self.queue.task_done() def enqueue(self, priority, callback, *args, **kwargs): """ This enqueues a given callback. :param number priority: The priority indication number of this task. The lowest value will be queued first. :param callback callback: Callback to be executed :param args args: Arguments to be given to callback :param kwargs kwargs: Keword Arguments to be given to callback .. note:: Callback will get this instance as first argument, followed by :py:data:`args` und :py:data:`kwargs`. """ self.queue.put(self.job(priority, callback, *args, **kwargs)) def qsize(self): return self.queue.qsize() def run(self): """ This starts the execution of the queued callbacks. """ self.__stop = False while not self.__stop: try: self.queue.get(timeout=0.1).run(self) except Empty: if self.__expire: break if type(self) is threaded_queue: self.thread = None def expire(self): """ This sets the expire flag. That means that the process will stop after queue gets empty. """ self.__expire = True def stop(self): """ This sets the stop flag. That means that the process will stop after finishing the active task. """ self.__stop = True class threaded_queue(queue): """Class to execute queued callbacks in a background thread (See also parent :py:class:`queue`). :param bool expire: The default value for expire. See also :py:func:`queue.expire`. **Example:** .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/threaded_queue.py Will result to the following output: .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/threaded_queue.log """ def __init__(self, expire=False): queue.__init__(self, expire=expire) self.thread = None def run(self): if self.thread is None: self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._start, args=()) self.thread.daemon = True # Daemonize thread self.thread.start() # Start the execution def join(self): """ This blocks till the queue is empty. .. note:: If the queue does not run dry, join will block till the end of the days. """ self.expire() if self.thread is not None: self.thread.join() def stop(self): queue.stop(self) self.join() def _start(self): queue.run(self) class periodic(object): """ Class to execute a callback cyclicly. :param float cycle_time: Cycle time in seconds -- callback will be executed every *cycle_time* seconds :param callback callback: Callback to be executed :param args args: Arguments to be given to the callback :param kwargs kwargs: Keword Arguments to be given to callback .. note:: The Callback will get this instance as first argument, followed by :py:data:`args` und :py:data:`kwargs`. **Example:** .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/periodic.py Will result to the following output: .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/periodic.log """ def __init__(self, cycle_time, callback, *args, **kwargs): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._timer = None self.callback = callback self.cycle_time = cycle_time self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self._stopped = True self._last_tm = None self.dt = None def join(self): """ This blocks till the cyclic task is terminated. .. note:: Using join means that somewhere has to be a condition calling :py:func:`stop` to terminate. Otherwise :func:`task.join` will never return. """ while not self._stopped: time.sleep(.1) def run(self): """ This starts the cyclic execution of the given callback. """ if self._stopped: self._set_timer(force_now=True) def stop(self): """ This stops the execution of any further task. """ self._lock.acquire() self._stopped = True if self._timer is not None: self._timer.cancel() self._lock.release() def _set_timer(self, force_now=False): """ This sets the timer for the execution of the next task. """ self._lock.acquire() self._stopped = False if force_now: self._timer = threading.Timer(0, self._start) else: self._timer = threading.Timer(self.cycle_time, self._start) self._timer.start() self._lock.release() def _start(self): tm = time.time() if self._last_tm is not None: self.dt = tm - self._last_tm self._set_timer(force_now=False) self.callback(self, *self.args, **self.kwargs) self._last_tm = tm class delayed(periodic): """Class to execute a callback a given time in the future. See also parent :py:class:`periodic`. :param float time: Delay time for execution of the given callback :param callback callback: Callback to be executed :param args args: Arguments to be given to callback :param kwargs kwargs: Keword Arguments to be given to callback **Example:** .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/delayed.py Will result to the following output: .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/delayed.log """ def run(self): """ This starts the timer for the delayed execution. """ self._set_timer(force_now=False) def _start(self): self.callback(*self.args, **self.kwargs) self.stop() class crontab(periodic): """Class to execute a callback at the specified time conditions. See also parent :py:class:`periodic`. :param accuracy: Repeat time in seconds for background task checking event triggering. This time is the maximum delay between specified time condition and the execution. :type accuracy: float **Example:** .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/crontab.py Will result to the following output: .. literalinclude:: task/_examples_/crontab.log """ ANY = '*' """Constant for matching every condition.""" class cronjob(object): """Class to handle cronjob parameters and cronjob changes. :param minute: Minute for execution. Either 0...59, [0...59, 0...59, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Minute. :type minute: int, list, str :param hour: Hour for execution. Either 0...23, [0...23, 0...23, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Hour. :type hour: int, list, str :param day_of_month: Day of Month for execution. Either 0...31, [0...31, 0...31, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Day of Month. :type day_of_month: int, list, str :param month: Month for execution. Either 0...12, [0...12, 0...12, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Month. :type month: int, list, str :param day_of_week: Day of Week for execution. Either 0...6, [0...6, 0...6, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Day of Week. :type day_of_week: int, list, str :param callback: The callback to be executed. The instance of :py:class:`cronjob` will be given as the first, args and kwargs as the following parameters. :type callback: func .. note:: This class should not be used stand alone. An instance will be created by adding a cronjob by using :py:func:`crontab.add_cronjob()`. """ class all_match(set): """Universal set - match everything""" def __contains__(self, item): (item) return True def __init__(self, minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week, callback, *args, **kwargs): self.set_trigger_conditions(minute or crontab.ANY, hour or crontab.ANY, day_of_month or crontab.ANY, month or crontab.ANY, day_of_week or crontab.ANY) self.callback = callback self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.__last_cron_check_time__ = None self.__last_execution__ = None def set_trigger_conditions(self, minute=None, hour=None, day_of_month=None, month=None, day_of_week=None): """This Method changes the execution parameters. :param minute: Minute for execution. Either 0...59, [0...59, 0...59, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Minute. :type minute: int, list, str :param hour: Hour for execution. Either 0...23, [0...23, 0...23, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Hour. :type hour: int, list, str :param day_of_month: Day of Month for execution. Either 0...31, [0...31, 0...31, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Day of Month. :type day_of_month: int, list, str :param month: Month for execution. Either 0...12, [0...12, 0...12, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Month. :type month: int, list, str :param day_of_week: Day of Week for execution. Either 0...6, [0...6, 0...6, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Day of Week. :type day_of_week: int, list, str """ if minute is not None: self.minute = self.__conv_to_set__(minute) if hour is not None: self.hour = self.__conv_to_set__(hour) if day_of_month is not None: self.day_of_month = self.__conv_to_set__(day_of_month) if month is not None: self.month = self.__conv_to_set__(month) if day_of_week is not None: self.day_of_week = self.__conv_to_set__(day_of_week) def __conv_to_set__(self, obj): if obj is crontab.ANY: return self.all_match() elif isinstance(obj, (int, long) if sys.version_info < (3,0) else (int)): return set([obj]) else: return set(obj) def __execution_needed_for__(self, minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week): if self.__last_execution__ != [minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week]: if minute in self.minute and hour in self.hour and day_of_month in self.day_of_month and month in self.month and day_of_week in self.day_of_week: return True return False def __store_execution_reminder__(self, minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week): self.__last_execution__ = [minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week] def cron_execution(self, tm): """This Methods executes the Cron-Callback, if a execution is needed for the given time (depending on the parameters on initialisation) :param tm: (Current) Time Value to be checked. The time needs to be given in seconds since 1970 (e.g. generated by int(time.time())). :type tm: int """ if self.__last_cron_check_time__ is None: self.__last_cron_check_time__ = tm - 1 # for t in range(self.__last_cron_check_time__ + 1, tm + 1): lt = time.localtime(t) if self.__execution_needed_for__(lt[4], lt[3], lt[2], lt[1], lt[6]): self.callback(self, *self.args, **self.kwargs) self.__store_execution_reminder__(lt[4], lt[3], lt[2], lt[1], lt[6]) break self.__last_cron_check_time__ = tm def __init__(self, accuracy=30): periodic.__init__(self, accuracy, self.__periodic__) self.__crontab__ = [] def __periodic__(self, rt): (rt) tm = int(time.time()) for cronjob in self.__crontab__: cronjob.cron_execution(tm) def add_cronjob(self, minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week, callback, *args, **kwargs): """This Method adds a cronjob to be executed. :param minute: Minute for execution. Either 0...59, [0...59, 0...59, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Minute. :type minute: int, list, str :param hour: Hour for execution. Either 0...23, [0...23, 0...23, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Hour. :type hour: int, list, str :param day_of_month: Day of Month for execution. Either 0...31, [0...31, 0...31, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Day of Month. :type day_of_month: int, list, str :param month: Month for execution. Either 0...12, [0...12, 0...12, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Month. :type month: int, list, str :param day_of_week: Day of Week for execution. Either 0...6, [0...6, 0...6, ...] or :py:const:`crontab.ANY` for every Day of Week. :type day_of_week: int, list, str :param callback: The callback to be executed. The instance of :py:class:`cronjob` will be given as the first, args and kwargs as the following parameters. :type callback: func .. note:: The ``callback`` will be executed with it's instance of :py:class:`cronjob` as the first parameter. The given Arguments (:data:`args`) and keyword Arguments (:data:`kwargs`) will be stored in that object. """ self.__crontab__.append(self.cronjob(minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week, callback, *args, **kwargs))