{%- import 'macros.tex' as macros %} \section{Test-Coverage} {% for module in coverage_information %} \subsection{ {\tt {{macros.latex_filter(module.name)}} }} The line coverage for {\tt {{macros.latex_filter(module.name)}} } was {{macros.latex_filter("%.1f" % module.line_coverage)}}\% {% if module.branch_coverage %}\\ The branch coverage for {\tt {{macros.latex_filter(module.name)}} } was {{macros.latex_filter("%.1f" % module.branch_coverage)}}\%{% endif %} {% for py_file in module.files %} \subsubsection{ {\tt {{macros.latex_filter(py_file.name)}} }} The line coverage for {\tt {{macros.latex_filter(py_file.name)}} } was {{macros.latex_filter("%.1f" % py_file.line_coverage)}}\% {% if py_file.branch_coverage %}\\ The branch coverage for {\tt {{macros.latex_filter(py_file.name)}} } was {{macros.latex_filter("%.1f" % py_file.branch_coverage)}}\%{% endif %} \vspace*{2.7ex} {%- for fragment in py_file.fragments %} \lstset{backgroundcolor=\color{bg-{{fragment.coverage_state}}}}\vspace*{-2.7ex} {%- if fragment.end is not none %} \lstinputlisting[language=Python, linerange={{fragment.start}}-{{fragment.end}}, firstnumber={{fragment.start}}]{{ "{" ~ py_file.filepath ~ "}" }} {%- else %} \lstinputlisting[language=Python, firstline={{fragment.start}}, firstnumber={{fragment.start}}]{{ "{" ~ py_file.filepath ~ "}" }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}