Python Library Unittest

candidate.tex 657B

  1. {%- import 'macros.tex' as macros %}
  2. {{ testobject_information.Description }}
  3. \begin{tabu} to \linewidth {lX}
  4. \toprule
  5. {\bf Library Information} & \\
  6. \midrule
  7. {%- for key in testobject_information %}
  8. {%- if key != "Description" and key != 'Dependencies' %}
  9. {{macros.latex_filter(key)}} & {{macros.latex_filter(testobject_information[key])}} \\
  10. {%- endif %}
  11. {%- endfor %}
  12. {%- if 'Dependencies' in data.testobject_information %}
  13. \midrule
  14. {\bf Dependencies} & \\
  15. \midrule
  16. {%- for module, version in testobject_information.Dependencies %}
  17. {{macros.latex_filter(module)}} & {{macros.latex_filter(version)}}\\
  18. {%- endfor %}
  19. {%- endif %}
  20. \bottomrule
  21. \end{tabu}