#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # """ tradfri devices =============== **Author:** * Dirk Alders **Description:** Emulation of tradfri devices Communication (MQTT) tradfri_light { | "state": ["ON" / "OFF" / "TOGGLE"] | "linkquality": [0...255] lqi | "brightness": [0...254] | "color_mode": ["color_temp"] | "color_temp": ["coolest", "cool", "neutral", "warm", "warmest", 250...454] | "color_temp_startup": ["coolest", "cool", "neutral", "warm", "warmest", "previous", 250...454] | "update": [] | } +- get { | "state": "" | } +- set { "state": ["ON" / "OFF"] "brightness": [0...256] "color_temp": [250...454] "transition": [0...] seconds "brightness_move": [-X...0...X] X/s "brightness_step": [-X...0...X] "color_temp_move": [-X...0...X] X/s "color_temp_step": [-X...0...X] } """ from devices.base import base import json class sw(base): """A tradfri device with switching functionality Args: mqtt_client (mqtt.mqtt_client): A MQTT Client instance topic (str): the base topic for this device """ PROPERTIES = [ "state", ] def __init__(self, mqtt_client, topic): super().__init__(mqtt_client, topic) self["state"] = "off" # self.mqtt_client.add_callback(self.topic + '/set', self.__rx_set__) self.mqtt_client.add_callback(self.topic + '/get', self.__rx_get__) def set_state(self, value): self.__set__("state", "on" if value else "off") self.send_device_status() def __rx_set__(self, client, userdata, message): data = json.loads(message.payload) self.logger.info("Received set data: %s", repr(data)) for key in data: self.__set__(key, data[key]) self.send_device_status() if "state" in data and data.get("state", 'OFF').lower() == "on": self.power_on("state") def __rx_get__(self, client, userdata, message): self.send_device_status() def power_on_action(self): self["state"] = "on" self.send_device_status() def send_device_status(self): data = json.dumps(self) self.logger.info("Sending status: %s", repr(data)) self.mqtt_client.send(self.topic, data) class sw_br(sw): """A tradfri device with switching and brightness functionality Args: mqtt_client (mqtt.mqtt_client): A MQTT Client instance topic (str): the base topic for this device """ PROPERTIES = sw.PROPERTIES + [ "brightness", ] def __init__(self, mqtt_client, topic): super().__init__(mqtt_client, topic) self["brightness"] = 64 class sw_br_ct(sw_br): """A tradfri device with switching, brightness and colortemp functionality Args: mqtt_client (mqtt.mqtt_client): A MQTT Client instance topic (str): the base topic for this device """ PROPERTIES = sw_br.PROPERTIES + [ "color_temp", ] def __init__(self, mqtt_client, topic): super().__init__(mqtt_client, topic) self["color_temp"] = 413