Module mpd_state -> mqtt
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 2.4KB

  1. import config
  2. import logging
  3. import paho.mqtt.client as paho
  4. import report
  5. import subprocess
  6. import time
  7. try:
  8. from config import APP_NAME as ROOT_LOGGER_NAME
  9. except ImportError:
  10. ROOT_LOGGER_NAME = 'root'
  11. logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild('librespot')
  12. class mpc(object):
  13. PLAYING_TXT = 'playing'
  14. def __init__(self, state_callback, title_callback):
  15."Starting MPD monitor...")
  16. self.__state_callback__ = state_callback
  17. self.__title_callback__ = title_callback
  18. self.__state__ = None
  19. self.__title__ = None
  20. self.set_state(False)
  21. self.set_title("")
  22. def run(self):
  23. while True:
  24. output = subprocess.check_output(["mpc", "status"])
  25. out_txt = output.decode('UTF-8')
  26. self.set_state(self.PLAYING_TXT in out_txt)
  27. if self.__state__:
  28. self.set_title(out_txt.split("\n")[0])
  29. else:
  30. self.set_title("")
  31. time.sleep(.2)
  32. def set_state(self, target_state):
  33. if self.__state__ != target_state:
  34. self.__state__ = target_state
  35.'MPD state changed to %s', self.__state__)
  36. self.__state_callback__(self.__state__)
  37. def set_title(self, title):
  38. if self.__title__ != title:
  39.'MPD is playing "%s"', title)
  40. self.__title_callback__(title)
  41. self.__title__ = title
  42. def send_state_msg_mqtt(state):
  43. client= paho.Client("mpd")
  44. client.username_pw_set(config.MQTT_USER, config.MQTT_PASS)
  45. client.connect(config.MQTT_SERVER, 1883)
  46. topic = config.MQTT_TOPIC + "/state"
  47."Sending MPD status information to mqtt %s = %s", topic, str(state))
  48. client.publish(topic, "true" if state else "false")
  49. def send_title_msg_mqtt(title):
  50. client= paho.Client("mpd")
  51. client.username_pw_set(config.MQTT_USER, config.MQTT_PASS)
  52. client.connect(config.MQTT_SERVER, 1883)
  53. topic = config.MQTT_TOPIC + "/title"
  54."Sending MPD title information to mqtt %s = \"%s\"", topic, title)
  55. client.publish(topic, title)
  56. if __name__ == '__main__':
  57. report.appLoggingConfigure(config.__BASEPATH__, config.LOGTARGET, ((config.APP_NAME, config.LOGLVL), ), fmt=config.formatter, host=config.LOGHOST, port=config.LOGPORT)
  58. mpd = mpc(send_state_msg_mqtt, send_title_msg_mqtt)
  60. import paho.mqtt.client as paho