import config import logging import mqtt import report import socket import subprocess import time try: from config import APP_NAME as ROOT_LOGGER_NAME except ImportError: ROOT_LOGGER_NAME = 'root' logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).getChild('main') class sispmctl(object): AMP_CHANNEL = 0 def __init__(self, mqtt_client):"Starting sispmctl module...") self.__mqtt_client__ = mqtt_client self.__state_requests__ = [{}, {}, {}, {}] self.publish_states() def __filter_output_parameter__(self, output): try: return int(output) except ValueError: return output def set_out_state(self, output, state): if output == "all": if self.__state__ != [state, state, state, state]: self.__set_out_state__(output, state) else: if self.__state__[int(output) - 1] != state: self.__set_out_state__(output, state) def __set_out_state__(self, output, state): try: out_txt = subprocess.check_output(["sudo", "sispmctl", "-o" if state == True else "-f", output]).decode('UTF-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as grepexc: logger.error("sispm error code %d while changing state of channel %s", grepexc.returncode, output) else:'sispmctl channel %s changed to %s', output, state) self.publish_states() def toggle_out_state(self, output): if output == "all": for i in range(1,5): self.toggle_out_state(str(i)) else: self.set_out_state(output, not self.__state__[int(output) - 1]) def get_out_states(self): i = 0 while i < 10: # number of tries try: out_txt = subprocess.check_output(["sudo", "sispmctl", "-g", "all"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as grepexc: logger.error("sispm error code %d while getting states", grepexc.returncode) else: rv = [] for i in range(1, 5): rv.append(out_txt.decode("UTF-8").split("\n")[i].split("\t")[1] == "on") return rv logger.warning("Could not get state of powerplugs") return self.__state__ def publish_states(self): self.__state__ = self.get_out_states() for i in range(1, 5): self.send_state(i) def send_state(self, output): topic = config.MQTT_TOPIC + "/status/" + str(output) logger.debug("Sending Powerplug status information of plug %s to mqtt %s = %s", str(output), topic, str(self.__state__[output - 1])) try: self.__mqtt_client__.send(topic, "true" if self.__state__[output - 1] else "false") except (socket.timeout, OSError) as e: logger.warning("Error while sending state information via mqtt") class mqtt_powerplug(mqtt.mqtt_client): def __init__(self): mqtt.mqtt_client.__init__(self, config.APP_NAME, config.MQTT_SERVER, 1883, config.MQTT_USER, config.MQTT_PASS) for target in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "all"]: self.add_callback(config.MQTT_TOPIC + "/set/" + target, self.__set__) self.add_callback(config.MQTT_TOPIC + "/toggle/" + target, self.__toggle__) # self.__sc__ = sispmctl(self) def __set__(self, client, userdata, message): output = message.topic.split("/")[-1] if message.topic.find("set") >= 0: state = message.payload == b"true""Received request to set output channel %s to state %s", output, str(state)) self.__sc__.set_out_state(output, state) def __toggle__(self, client, userdata, message): output = message.topic.split("/")[-1]"Received request to toggle output channel %s", output) if message.payload != b"false": self.__sc__.toggle_out_state(output) def __del__(self): self.__client__.loop_stop() # stop the loop if __name__ == '__main__': report.appLoggingConfigure(config.__BASEPATH__, config.LOGTARGET, ((config.APP_NAME, config.LOGLVL), ), fmt=config.formatter, host=config.LOGHOST, port=config.LOGPORT) # mp = mqtt_powerplug() while True: time.sleep(30) mp.__sc__.publish_states()