{%- import 'macros.tex' as macros %} {%- include 'unittest_head.tex' %} {%- include 'unittest_titlepage.tex' %} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Test System Information} {%- with system_information = data.system_information %} {%- include 'system.tex' %} {%- endwith %} \section{Summary} {%- with testrun = data %} {%- include 'run_statistic.tex' %} {%- endwith %} {% if data.number_of_failed_tests > 0 or data.number_of_possibly_failed_tests > 0%} \section{\textcolor{red}{Testcases (Failed)}} {%- for test_name in data.uid_list_sorted %} {% with testcase = data.testcases[test_name] %} {% if testcase.levelno > 20 %} \subsection{ {{macros.latex_filter(testcase.message)}} } {% with details = true %} {% include 'report_testcase.tex' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if data.number_of_successfull_tests > 0 %} \section{\textcolor{green}{Testcases (Success)}} {%- for test_name in data.uid_list_sorted %} {% with testcase = data.testcases[test_name] %} {% if testcase.levelno <= 20 %} \subsection{ {{macros.latex_filter(testcase.message)}} } {% with details = details %} {% include 'report_testcase.tex' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% include 'unittest_foot.tex' %}