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\chead{\textcolor{gray}{ Unittest for {\tt smart\_brain }}}
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Unittest for {\tt smart\_brain }
\section{Test System Information}
\begin{tabu} to \linewidth {lX}
{\bf System Information} & \\
Architecture & 64bit \\
Machine & x86\_64 \\
Hostname & ahorn \\
Distribution & Linux Mint 21.1 (vera) \\
System & Linux \\
Kernel & 5.15.0-58-generic (\#64-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 5 11:43:13 UTC 2023) \\
Username & dirk \\
Path & /\allowbreak home/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak my\_repositories/\allowbreak smarthome/\allowbreak smart\_brain\_test/\allowbreak all.py \\
\begin{tabu} to \linewidth {lX}
Number of tests & {\bf 5}\\
Number of successfull tests & {\bf 5}\\
Number of possibly failed tests & \textcolor{black}{\bf 0}\\
Number of failed tests & \textcolor{black}{\bf 0}\\
Executionlevel & unknown\\
Time consumption & 4.510s\\
\section{\textcolor{green}{Testcases (Success)}}
\subsection{ Away mode test: zigbee/\allowbreak gfw/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak heating\_valve }
This test was passed with the state: {\bf \textcolor{green}{Success}}.
\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {lX}
Caller: & /\allowbreak home/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak my\_repositories/\allowbreak smarthome/\allowbreak smart\_brain\_test/\allowbreak tests/\allowbreak heating.py (84)\\
Start-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:02,566\\
Finished-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:03,468\\
Time-Consumption & 0.902s\\
\bf{\,Info } & Setting preconditions (Default setpoint)\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Away mode is correct (Content False and Type is $<$class 'bool'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Activating away mode\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Away mode is correct (Content True and Type is $<$class 'bool'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Temperature setpoint is correct (Content 20 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Deactivating away mode\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Away mode is correct (Content False and Type is $<$class 'bool'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Temperature setpoint is correct (Content 25 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\subsection{ Boost mode test: zigbee/\allowbreak gfw/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak heating\_valve }
This test was passed with the state: {\bf \textcolor{green}{Success}}.
\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {lX}
Caller: & /\allowbreak home/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak my\_repositories/\allowbreak smarthome/\allowbreak smart\_brain\_test/\allowbreak tests/\allowbreak heating.py (107)\\
Start-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:03,468\\
Finished-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:04,370\\
Time-Consumption & 0.902s\\
\bf{\,Info } & Setting preconditions (Default setpoint)\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Boost timer is correct (Content 0 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Activating boost mode\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Boost timer is greater expectation (Content 900 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Setting postconditions (Default setpoint)\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Boost timer is correct (Content 0 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\subsection{ Default temperature test for device and virtual device: zigbee/\allowbreak gfw/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak heating\_valve }
This test was passed with the state: {\bf \textcolor{green}{Success}}.
\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {lX}
Caller: & /\allowbreak home/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak my\_repositories/\allowbreak smarthome/\allowbreak smart\_brain\_test/\allowbreak tests/\allowbreak heating.py (41)\\
Start-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:04,370\\
Finished-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:04,972\\
Time-Consumption & 0.601s\\
\bf{\,Info } & Setting preconditions (Valve setpoint to 20.0)\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Valve temperature setpoint (is not default temperature) is correct (Content True and Type is $<$class 'bool'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Triggering set to default temperature (25.0)\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Valve temperature setpoint is correct (Content 25 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\subsection{ Summer mode test: zigbee/\allowbreak gfw/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak heating\_valve }
This test was passed with the state: {\bf \textcolor{green}{Success}}.
\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {lX}
Caller: & /\allowbreak home/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak my\_repositories/\allowbreak smarthome/\allowbreak smart\_brain\_test/\allowbreak tests/\allowbreak heating.py (61)\\
Start-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:04,972\\
Finished-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:05,874\\
Time-Consumption & 0.902s\\
\bf{\,Info } & Setting preconditions (Default setpoint)\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Summer mode is correct (Content False and Type is $<$class 'bool'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Activating summer mode\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Summer mode is correct (Content True and Type is $<$class 'bool'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Temperature setpoint is correct (Content 5 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Deactivating summer mode\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Summer mode is correct (Content False and Type is $<$class 'bool'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Temperature setpoint is correct (Content 25 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\subsection{ User temperature setpoint test for device and virtual device: zigbee/\allowbreak gfw/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak heating\_valve }
This test was passed with the state: {\bf \textcolor{green}{Success}}.
\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {lX}
Caller: & /\allowbreak home/\allowbreak dirk/\allowbreak my\_repositories/\allowbreak smarthome/\allowbreak smart\_brain\_test/\allowbreak tests/\allowbreak heating.py (17)\\
Start-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:05,874\\
Finished-Time: & 2023-02-09 07:53:07,076\\
Time-Consumption & 1.203s\\
\bf{\,Info } & Changing valve temperature setpoint to '20.0'\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Virtual device valve temperature is correct (Content 20 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Virtual device user temperature is correct (Content 20 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Changing videv user temperature setpoint to '25.0'\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Valve device temperature setpoint is correct (Content 25 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Virtual device valve temperature is correct (Content 25 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Changing valve temperature setpoint to '20.0'\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Virtual device valve temperature is correct (Content 20 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Virtual device user temperature is correct (Content 20 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,Info } & Changing videv user temperature setpoint to '25.0'\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Valve device temperature setpoint is correct (Content 25 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\
\bf{\,\textcolor{green}{Success} } & Virtual device valve temperature is correct (Content 25 and Type is $<$class 'int'$>$).\\